Chapter 24

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The wind hit my bare skin leaving behind a stinging sensation in its wake. I glanced up to asses the snow covered mountain tops that shielded the valley we were stood in. I felt a chill and I registered the lack of weight that was Feyre's arm linked with mine. I shifted to look back at her.
"This is as far as I go. If I get any closer they will be able to sense a change in power and locate me." She explained

I smiled at her, understanding her reasons.

"Good luck!" She winked "When you get back come find me for that painting lesson." She had disappeared before I could thank her.

I turned to Mor, her arm still linked through mine, "Come on Evie, I have a feeling Elias is waiting for you," she said waggling her eyebrows.

I laughed, "Well, I can't keep the heir to the night court waiting,"

Mor winnowed us to a set of gates that I guessed led into the court. The 3 males stood, like Mor had suggested, waiting for our arrival. Cassian and Azriel were dressed in fighting gear from head to toe. Their syphons shone, blue and red, contrasting the dark material that shielded their bodies.

I looked up and felt my red lips curl into a mischievous smile.
"Loving the leathers boys." I drawled, adding a wink.

Cassian openly laughed while Azriel only chuckled giving me a small grin.

"Straight back at you," Cassian teased, his head beckoning towards my corset.

I snorted.

Mor called over Az and Cass and they immediately started talking about what I assumed was strategy but if I knew better it was Mor's plan to create an opening for Eli's gaping.

When I turned to look at him. He was doing exactly that. Without shame his gaze was snaking up my body, from head to toe. I caught his attention catching on particular parts of my body which made me grin. I slowly walked up to him and his eyes settled on my face.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

His feral eyes met mine and I could almost see his answer.

His voice was gutturally low when he whispered in my ear. "I would love to tell you but we've got a mission and I'm afraid if I started to I wouldn't be able to stop telling you, and showing you exactly what I think."

I shiver went down my spine. Whether it was his words or just the sheer tone of his voice that caused it, I wasn't sure. Either way, I liked it.

When he pulled back and looked at me again I bit my lip. His gaze was penetrating through my skin and I couldn't take the heat of it.

"You two ready?" I could hear the teasing tone of Cassian's voice but I couldn't look away from Eli to comment back.

At the reminder of what we were actually doing Eli's gaze became colder. Like it had been doused with water. Reality had swept back over him.

"Look, it's gonna get heated in there and if you want out at any point just tell me, and I will get you out. Mission or not."

I thought about the words he had just spoken into my mind and I gave him a small, sharp nod. I linked my arm through his and finally turned to Cassian.

"Well what are we all waiting for! Lead the way general,"

Cassian grinned, shaking his head but did not say a word as he and Azriel powered forward through the gates. I looked back at Mor, she smiled at me and I gave her a reassuring nod back. As I followed Eli's lead and strode forward I thought of her and her alone. Eli had explained in the study what had happened to Mor at the hands of these bastards. Sick. It made me feel sick to my stomach. And even if revenge was not mine to take, I would enjoy what was about to happen.

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