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"Nothing." Winwin lied horribly as he quickly began washing his cup to look busy. Kun let out a disappointed sigh as he turned to Yangyang, who stood with a confused look on his face.

"It's a secret. Do what you want with that information, but you'll figure out sooner or later." Kun said, refusing to lie. Yangyang pursed his lips as Winwin stood behind Kun nervously, not looking at the kid.

"Is it like some sort of surprise party or something?" Yangyang asked.

"Early Christmas planning." Winwin blurted, earning a glare from Kun.

"Just don't tell the others about it." Kun told as Yangyang nodded with a small grin.

"My monitor is kinda going bust, just thought I'd share." Yangyang winked as he pulled out some cereal, eating it straight from the box. Winwin was glad he bought it, but now he might need to buy him a new monitor.

"Yah stop snacking like that." Kun scolded before Yangyang happily ran away, cereal box in hand. Kun turned to Winwin who let out a sigh of relief.

"So I guess lying is what you're doing." Kun shook his head disapprovingly. He really wants to avoid telling Yangyang for as long as he can. Hopefully he'll be over it soon, but it isn't like Winwin is going to start dating Haneul anyways.

"It'll just be awkward." Winwin shrugged.

"The longer you wait the worse it'll get. You and Haneul will just get closer and his little crush isn't going to vanish that quickly." Kun said, trying to convince him to tell Yangyang. But the only thing Winwin got from it was that Kun was sure they were going to get close.

"Why would we get closer?"

"Well because you're soulmates, that's not something you can just change." Kun pointed out. Winwin cocked his head, as if just being hit with the realisation. It wasn't that he didn't know that, he just realised that he has no idea how soulmates even work. He never cared enough to pay attention to the details. He knew he had one, and his family would always tell him what they hope his soulmate is like. But he never bothered to learn about it, thinking that he'll figure it out later on in life. All he knew was that a soulmate was someone you're destined to be with, and that you're spiritually connected to them, which he still doesn't understand.

"Ugh this is annoying." Winwin complained.


"Do you want to go plant shopping with me this weekend?" Haneul asked her friend as they both sat at Yoonbin's coffee table, laptops out as they did their work together.

"You don't need more plants." Yoonbin chuckled. Though he was right, their house was flooded with plants and paintings, Haneul pouted, knowing plants are what boosts her serotonin.

"Pwease." She looked at him pleadingly as he shakes his head.

"I could, but I don't like the idea of you using your entire weekly pay on plants. Also there is no way I'm leaving the shop to Aera on a weekend again." Yoonbin said reminding Haneul of the horrors that emerged from the angsty teen's protesting endeavors. "She isn't even the worse one, her friend Mirae is insane."

"Hey agree with what they stand for, it's literally human rights. Mirae is a weird one though, she stares at the sm building and I swear I've heard her mutter witch curses at it." Haneul shivered. "Lets just make sure she never bumps into Jaein or Yangyang." She said as he nodded in along in agreement. "Wait so you're not going to buy plants with me?"

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