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"I feel trapped." The boy whispered desperately. His eyes filled with despair, looking at Hanuel as if she was the only one who could make a difference. But he was too far away. The dark cloud that smothered him would sting her every time she tried to reach out, pushing her away even further.

"I know." Her voice was soft, hoping it could calm him. " I will help you. I-I'll try."

"Thank you." He smiled at her sadly, before a tear rolled down his face. But it was not a normal tear, it seemed to have froze, taking a shape of a snowflake as it drifted slowly to the ground.


Hanuel's hand trembled slightly as she stared at the blank page in front of her. There was too much to write, but instead of writing down what she can remember about the human mind, she's busy working out why hers is only thinking about the boy in her dream, hoping there's some sort of psychological meaning behind it. She thought that giving herself a full night sleep would make her remember easier, improving her brain function, but she seemed to have forgotten that dreams are a factor that could get in the way.

Who is he?

Why was he trapped?

Why do I feel like I've seen this before?

Why am I even thinking about this I'm in the middle of an exam for gods sake!

"How do you think you did on that paper?" Her professor had asked when she bumped into him as she was making her way to the bus stop. She wanted to lie to him, but he would know anyways. He could probably tell from her eye movement or the way her nose flares or something.

"Badly." She sighed. She was still in her post- exam shock as she calls it, she felt limp and like her entire body would stop working any minute now.

"And what makes you think that?" He asked warmly. Professor Lee is one of those old guys who just knows everything about life somehow. He's always helping his students out in ways that forces them to think outside of the traditionally way, and Hanuel could use his knowledge in that moment.

"Uhh...I had a dream and I can't stop thinking about it, and I guess it disrupted my thought process during the exam." She explained. "It was about this boy who was trapped in a cloud and I tried to get him out but it didn't really work...do you think it could mean anything."

"I don't have the answer to that." He said simply.

"Let me guess, I have to find it myself or something?" She scoffed.

"Well it was a dream, you can't expect much from it, you probably had too many vitamin drinks." He laughed, Hanuel stared at him in surprise. He's probably right, she was probably over thinking this. "Have you met this boy before? Because he might mean a lot to you."

"I don't think so, but he does seem familiar, I must've seen him somewhere." She thought back. She had definitely seen him before, she just doesn't know when and where.

"Well maybe if it's on your mind this much, you should try to figure out who he is exactly, and how you know him." He suggested before taking his leave.

Maybe she should.


Winwin slid down the wall, taking in a huge gulp of water. He was tired, and so was everyone else, who were lying on the ground, out of breath. The group had been practicing for resonate, a powerful stage that shows their full power as a group, but it was both mentally and physically tiring. Though Winwin does really like seeing the whole group together, doing things they love and having fun.

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