48. "No, She's Not"

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   The three of us looked up in a mixture of surprise and alarm as a thick strand of web pulled me out of their grasp and threw me up into the air

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   The three of us looked up in a mixture of surprise and alarm as a thick strand of web pulled me out of their grasp and threw me up into the air. I couldn't help but let out a scream of shock as another web pulled me backwards halfway through my fall back down and into someone's arms.

"Kid, I suggest you give her back to us," my holder threatened.

"Nah, I'll keep her for a bit longer, Mr Criminal," I turned my head and glared at Peter, who currently was wearing his Spider-Man suit. "You alright with that, Miss Stark?"

"I had everything under control," I sighed in a passive tone as he set me down.

"Sure you did," he winked before doing a backflip off the side and returning back to the men. I peered over the edge just in time to see him swing into the storage area, taking the men with him. Right as they disappeared, I saw a nanobot whizz by.

"Hey!" I shouted, waving wildly. It came towards me, and a hologram of my father appeared.

"I swear I'm going to kill Talbot," he grunted darkly, his voice almost muffled by the shouts downstairs. "I knew this mission was a mistake. How did you deal with those guys?"

"We have a friend who swung in," I answered quickly. "Where's the rest of the FBI agents?" As if on cue, I heard several agents yell from below me, emerging from wherever they were hiding. "Oh, those bastards."

"I'll be there in two minutes, just hang on tight," Dad instructed. "Go back to the civilians and make sure they don't get hurt. We can still use this to our advantage."

"Got it," I yelled, running back down the stairs to the lowest level as his bot flew away, but right before I made it all the way down, a metal wing almost hit me. An agent screamed as he was flung off the boat and into the water, causing me to glance up at the culprit.

Hovering about ten feet off the water was a man covered in metal, on his back a large pair of versatile metal wings. I didn't have to read his mind to know that he was giving me a glare through his mask, his green eyes burning into mine. And in his hands was a gun glowing purple.

"Isabel, move!" I didn't realize I was frozen in place until Peter climbed up the stairs and threw me off right before I would have been shot from the man's gun. Holding me tight, he hit the floor with a thud as he protected my body from the impact with his own. "Why didn't you leave?" he groaned as I quickly rolled off him.

"Don't exactly have a choice. Couldn't just abandon ship."

"Pun intended? Sorry, I couldn't- duck!" I turned my head right as the winged man shot a purple blast at me, sending me backwards and slamming me into a car. Everything was ringing as I slid weakly to the ground. My head felt overweighted, causing it to hang limply. There was blood dripping from my nose and over my mouth, giving my lips a metallic taste.

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