25. Another Sidetrack

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BERHERT: M20 22A4836126+306CA12

A loud crash jolted me awake, and I heard birds cawing at each other. I was laying on the ground, surrounded by unfamiliar forest greenery. I must have gotten knocked unconscious and fallen out of the ship as it was falling. I soon realized the fallen out part was correct, because my entire body ached. Luckily, I could see a bit of the ship not too far away, and I could hear Drax laughing.

"Stupid raccoon," I grumbled under my breath as I made my way toward the ship. "Damn you, Rocket." I felt my boot get caught under a tree root, and I fell on my face. "Damn tree." Just damn everything! I was so close to getting home, to seeing Peter again, only to get shot down by the very people I had just worked for. To sum everything up: I wanted to hit someone.

"Look at this!" I heard Gamora shriek. "Where's the other half of our ship!"

"My ship," Quill corrected her. I pushed a thin tree branch out of my way to find the Guardians standing in a circle as they looked at one another. Nebula just looked annoyed.

"Where's Isabel?" Gamora added, and Rocket scratched the back of his furry neck. "We have to find her, she flew out at the last second!"

"Right here!" I yelled, calling the Guardians' attention. Slowly, I winced as I slid over a large tree trunk. "A little cut and bruised, but I'll manage."

"You look like a mess!" Rocket chuckled nervously, but Gamora silenced him with a glare.

"Either you or Peter could have gotten us through that field!" Gamora yelled at Rocket and Quill, pointing at the two of them. "Had you flown with what's between your ears instead of what's between your legs." Zamora stomped off to inspect broken wing.

"If what's between my legs had a hand on it..." Quill told us, bringing his hand forward to show what he meant. "I guarantee I could have landed this ship with it."

"Peter," Gamora stopped him, her voice a little calmer. She had her hands on her hips as she glared at him. "We almost died because of your arrogance."

"More like because he stole the Anulax batteries!" Quill said in his defense, pointing at the raccoon beside him. Rocket cast a glare at his friend.

"They're called Harbulary batteries," Drax told Quill, trying to correct him.

"No, they're not!" Quill shot back with a laugh. Not a good laugh, but one where a person has basically given up on another person.

"Do you know why I did it, Star-Munch?" Rocket growled, clenching his fists. Quill sighed and bit his lip angrily.

"I'm not gonna answer to 'Star-Munch,'" he muttered.

"I did it because I wanted to!"

"Which is the most retarded and crappy reason!" I snapped at him, crossing my arms across my chest. "Some of us aren't okay with the idea of dying because an idiot stole batteries! I fucking flew out of a space ship!" I gave a bitter laugh, quite similar to Quill's. "I'm going insane," I told myself, clutching the sides of my head.

"I see you in one piece, so I think you're fine!" Rocket snapped back.

"Dick," Quill hissed, turning away from the raccoon.

"What are we even talking about this for?" Rocket asked all of us angrily. "We just had a little man save us by blowing up 50 ships!" What little man? Was that the big white explosion?

"How little?" Draw questioned, holding his gun and sounding as confused as me.

"Well, I don't know, like this?" Rocket guessed, holding his fingers an inch apart.

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