19. From Ship To Ship

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   Isabel was sitting in a HYDRA hospital room, an IV attached to both arms. The poor thing looked dead inside as doctors scurried around her, mixing up medications to give her. Occasionally, the IVs would flash a bright blue before turning back to its dark teal color. Ward sat by her side, watching patiently.

"What's taking so long," she sighed, and I could hear how little life was behind her voice. It looked like she was giving up on the chance of freedom, or chance of anything good for that matter. "I thought I finished the Elemental operation."

"So did I," Ward muttered, before replying, "Just a few more tests. They wanted to test something out on you."

"Yay," Isabel said grimly, looking out the window to see the Winter Soldier peering in. "He's still here?"

"He hasn't left since we've brought you in," a doctor said, mildly annoyed. "He just... stands there."

"He can't think for himself," Ward reminded the doctor. "He's just like a puppet." The doctor shook her head, giving one more wary glance at the Soldier.

"I don't know," she mused. "Ever since the two of them started working together, he seems a little more like a human." While Ward and the doctor went over the upcoming procedures, the Soldier put a gloved hand up against the glass, and Isabel weakly raised hers to try and match him.


I sat up suddenly, breathing hard. I was in some type of cage that barely allowed movement. It took a minute for me to remember what had happened. Aliens, captured humans, Peter saving me... Oh god, Peter!

"Hey!" I yelled, banging against the bars. "Help!" There wasn't a reply. Warily, I moved the mental shield, wincing at the now more prominent voices. There were people here... or could I even call them people? No, they were-

"Aliens?" I looked around frantically, searching for whatever had finished my thought. "Look to behind you, sweetheart." I turned around to see an alien in the cage hovering behind me. I would have thought it was human until I saw it's pale blue skin. "Don't bother on the bars, they don't break. Stronger creatures than you have been held in that cage."

"You...," I said cautiously, grabbing a hold of the bars so I could see it better. The alien had no hair anywhere on the parts of its body I could see, and it was only wearing pants and leather boots."You could hear my-"

"Thoughts?" it snickered. "Not could, can. Got easier though when you took that lousy wall thing down. No wonder the voices give you a headache. You're a noisy dreamer, by the way." Even though it was talking to me, it's mouth never moved. He wasn't projecting his thoughts like I did, but actually speaking in my mind.

"Thanks, I guess," I said with a half smile. It's startling blue eyes swept over me, maybe the same color as mine. "Where am I?"

"I don't know the exact place, but somewhere in the galaxy." My stomach flipped, and I looked around to find a window. The alien wasn't lying. I tried to collect my breath and slow my heartbeat.

"If I may ask," I said slowly, breathing heavily. "What... are you?"

"Basically you, darling," it smiled back. The voice sounded male. "But I'm not mortal, or Terran if you want that term."

"Human works well."

"But you're not all human," he mused. "Hang on a second." I felt something slither in my mind, and I shook my head to get rid of it. The alien hooted with delight. "I knew it! You're Inhuman just like me! Or, at least the human part applies to you."

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