7. Failing And Falling

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  As we stared at Lincoln, I heard several swayed Inhuman grunts. All of us turned around to see at least one for each of us. May charged first, and Mack and I followed behind. As one came toward me, I panicked, and my metal hand ripped off his arm. The Inhuman stared at the new hole on its body, and then to his arm, which was held in my hand. I dropped it on the ground before we attacked again.

"Sorry about your arm!" I hissed at him. The Inhuman snarled and grabbed me by the neck. I choked as he held me above the ground and slammed me into the wall. I raised my organic arm, and I started freezing his entire face. Once his hand was removed from my neck, I pulled my metal fingers into a fist, and his entire head shattered as it went cleanly through. I quickly massaged my neck before running back to Lincoln's side.

"I couldn't stop her," he muttered to himself. I shook his arm frantically.

"Okay," I started. "I know we said for you not to move but I need a boost."

"What?" he said confusedly.

"I need you to use your powers to give me an electric shock," I told him, and I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest. Lincoln looked at me in confusion. "Use your powers," I repeated, and I saw an Inhuman advancing on Jemma. "Lincoln, we don't have that much-"

I never finished my sentence before I felt his powers send a small jolt through my body. I stood up shakily. I looked at my right hand and flashed my fingers out at the Inhuman Jemma was backing away from. A water whip exploded from my palm and wrapped around him, and I could see small sparks of electricity on it, shocking him. I gave the whip a tug, and I was sent flying towards him. Right before I crashed into the Inhuman, I pushed off the ground and launched into the air.

As I twisted over his head, I yanked the whip up and landed on the ground safely. The Inhuman however, flew over me, crashed into the Inhuman Coulson was fighting, and the two smashed into the wall. I smiled at Coulson before feeling excruciating pain in my back. A new swayed Inhuman had snuck up behind me and dragged his nails against me. As he picked me up and threw me over his head, my jacket came off. His nails had gone through the fabric. Before the swayed could attack me again, Coulson tackled it and the two started fighting. I looked up to see Hive watching the fight.

"He's here!" I yelled.

"It's time to finish these guys off!" Coulson ordered as he defeated the Inhuman. I jumped to my feet and saw Fitz and Jemma wrestling an Inhuman... primate, Coulson called them? Fitz was continually hitting it on the head while Jemma kept him restrained.

As Fitz was nearly finished with their primate, two others came running at him. I jumped into action, creating two small waves that pushed them into each other. I then took the waves and merged them around the Inhumans' heads, both drowning and electrocuting the primates at the same time. When I finished, I watched May take out the last swayed Inhuman. We all looked to where Hive was standing previously, but he was gone.

"No," Coulson muttered before running off.

"He went for Daisy!" Mack realized, and the rest of the team followed him. I stayed behind to thank Lincoln, but when I got to the place where we had him, he wasn't there.

"No," I murmured, frantically running my metal fingers through my hair as I searched the area. "Lincoln?" I called, and I saw a trail of blood droplets on the ground, leading into a hallway. I quickly followed.

At one turn I stumbled over my feet and fell, wincing as some of my back came in contact with the ground. When I gingerly touched my injury, blood was all over my hands. Whatever scratches that the Inhuman had made were serious, and I was bleeding badly. I quickly wiped my hands on my jeans and continued. As I approached the Quinjet, I saw Daisy and Hive confronting one another. I hid behind the wall, resisting the urge to cry out as my wounds slid against the cold metal.

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