36. Good Morning, Midtown Tech

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Three weeks later...

A Film By Peter Parker

The video opened slowly, coming from a dark screen to show the Queens World Fair globe. "New York," a mysterious voice narrated. "Queens. It's a rough borough, but hey, it's home."

"Who are you talking to?" a voice asked in annoyance, and the film recorder jumped, turning to show the driver of a car. Happy Hogan, Tony Stark's head of security.

"No one," the first voice answered, now in a normal pitch. "Just making a little video of the trip."

"You know you can't show it to anyone," Happy reminded the person holding the camera.

"Yeah, I know."

"Then why are you narrating in that voice?"

"Umm, because it's fun," the recorder said sheepishly, and Happy scoffed, putting on a pair of sunglasses. "So, uh, why do they call you Happy?" Happy answered back by pushing a button that lifted the divide between him and the passengers, revealing the face of the boy behind the film. Peter Parker.

The film quickly cut to Happy opening the door of the car for the boy, who hurried out. "Come on," he told the teenager. "I'm not carrying your bags. Let's go." The two started walking toward the parked jet, which was slowly opening the entry door.

"Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?" Peter asked from behind the camera as he climbed up the stairs to the door, and Happy sighed.

"There's a bathroom on it." There was a close up of the cockpit.

"No pilot? That's awesome." Peter plopped down in a chair opposite of Happy, the camera shaking from the action. Happy's look of annoyance seemed to grow.

"Is that where you're gonna sit?", and the camera moved slightly as Peter nodded. "Is this your first time on a private plane?"

"My first time on any plane," Peter admitted, and Happy quickly changed seats as the plane's engines began. "Should it- should it be- should it be making that noise?"

The video sped up to the middle of the flight, the camera turned around so that the recorder could be seen. Peter lifted a finger to his lips, making a shushing noise. The camera turned around to reveal a snoring Happy. The camera came closer and closer to the man until he woke up, send both people jumping in fright.

Following was several small montage clips of Berlin. "No one has actually told me why I'm in Berlin," Peter said over the videos. "Or what I'm doing. Something about Captain America... going crazy?"

"This is you," Happy told the teenager, unlocking the hotel room door for him.

"Oh, we're neighbors?" Peter said excitedly.

"We're not roommates. Suit up."

The video cut to Peter holding the camera up to a mirror, showing his reflection inside his homemade Spiderman suit. "Okay, Peter, you got this," he prepped himself, shaking his head slightly from side to side.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Peter turned around, showing Happy staring at him in shock.

"It's my suit," he explained.

"Where's the case?" Happy cut over him.

"What case?" Happy sighed and motioned for Peter to follow him, going through a series of doors. "What? I thought that was a closet- this is still my room?"

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