17. The First Discovered

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  I rubbed my eyes, trying to get used to wearing the brown color contacts I had placed in. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much of a distraction from how I had looked earlier. I peaked through the small opening created by the door in Peter's room to see him sleeping in bed, snoring slightly and the blanket by his feet. Carefully, I tiptoed in and pulled it up to his shoulders. Just seeing him there... argh! Pay attention, Isabel! I straightened the I had put on for Colin's "get-together" and examined the necklace he had snuck into my hand. It looked and felt expensive. I snuck one last glance at Peter as I put it on.

"I'm sorry, Peter," I told him softly, even though he couldn't hear me. I readjusted the knives hidden under my dress. The points were starting to pierce my skin. "I have to do this." Remembering the location written on the small paper Colin gave me, I closed my eyes and transported away.


I felt my heart pound as I watched men enter the building. It looked like a casino at first glance, but I could tell something more sinister was going on inside. The line wasn't that long, but I recognized a similarity on each person : a black flower accessory with rose gold lining. Just like my necklace. As I walked past the front of the line, a hand grabbed my paralyzed arm. I turned to face it's owner with a raised fist.

"Easy!" Colin surrendered, letting go. I lowered my fist. "Glad you can make it. Where's your boyfriend?"

"Back at the hotel," I answered. Colin shrugged.

"His loss," he commented, rolling his eyes. "Listen, I listed you as my plus one, so you don't have to wait in the line. If you did, you would miss the show."

"Glad I didn't come later then," I smiled nervously. Colin took my hand (if I wasn't here for a reason, he would've gotten a punch to the nose) and led me inside. The lights were dimmed, so it took a bit for my eyes to adjust. "What's with the bad lighting?"

"For the show," Colin replied. Even with the low lights, I could see a glint in his eyes. "So sorry, what's your name again?"

"Bella," I told him. Colin chuckled... like that evil villain chuckle. Crap.

"There we go," he smiled. "I had a moment where I thought your name was Isabel." Crap. Crap. Crap. I felt myself pale. "That's it, right? I knew a girl named Isabel once when I was younger. She was a bitch." Colin's eyes scanned me over, and when he reached my eyes, I sent him a glare. What was I thinking, coming alone? I had no backup, no metal arm, and I was stuck in heels. I had left my phone back in my room in the hotel, and if Peter came for me he wouldn't know where to look. "You know, you've grown a lot since then."

"Same with you," I snapped, crossing my arms. "Funny though, I had a moment where I thought you were dead. You look plenty alive though. What's your secret, prune juice?" Colin slowly stepped toward me, and I backed away instinctively.

"Aw, do I still scare you?" Colin mocked. "What does this scenario remind you of? Me coming back from Budapest to torture you? Our fight in the training room when the Winter Soldier wasn't there to protect you?" I didn't respond to his question. Colin pushed me, and I stumbled back into a chair. My knives pricked my thigh, and I felt blood trickle down my knee. The people beside us didn't give a second glance as he advanced. "What, you don't remember that?"

"Colin," a voice called. "Don't hurt Ms Stark. She hasn't done anything... recently." I pushed myself back on my feet only to hear those words. It felt like I was being shot by a laser all over again.

"No," I mumbled, clutching the chair's back for support. "It can't be."

"Am I that much of a surprise?" the voice sighed, amused. I couldn't look at him. "Well Seven, can I at least get some respect?" I lifted my eyes to look Anthony Hawkes in the face. He spread his arms wide. "There we go! Now what did you say about my son? Prune juice, was it? Wrong guess, I'm afraid."

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