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Same day,

She was getting calls and visits back to back. Cissy and John was immediately in love with their second grandchild.

Cissy: (crying) Woah I didn't wanna cry today. When did you have her?

Whitney: I went into labor in my bathroom, sounds crazy but it's true.

Cissy: (holding her grandchild) Hi.. what's her name?

Whitney: Alaina Elizabeth Houston.

Cissy: Jackson?

Whitney: Michael didn't hold my hand, Michael let me scream for hours, Michael didn't help me give birth, and he damn sure didn't help me through contractions. I don't know what kind of revenge that is, but it hurts.

Cissy: (she rubbed Whitney's hand) He'll regret it soon.

Whitney: Janet was there, she was my comfort. But her brother was right in the living room mama.

John: (holding his granddaughter) Aww your head is big, just like your momma's (she started crying)

Whitney: Daddy no you didn't make my daughter cry (she held Alaina) Oh she just wants her mama.

John: Your making me feel old.

London: She's pretty mommy.

Whitney: (smiles) She is, isn't she?

London: Yes. Can I stay with you here mommy?

Whitney: You'll be with me when I take your sister home. Okay? Stay with grandma and grandpa for two more days.

London: (Cissy picked her up) Nana can we get some ice tweam?

Cissy: (looks at the time) Yea, I'll take you today baby. Let's go before it closes. Get the hell up John!

London: Yay! Bye mommy.

Whitney: Bye love, I'll see you soon. Bye momma, bye daddy.

Cissy: See you later nip.

John: Bye nippy.

They left out of the room and she put her daughter in her cradle. She was exhausted, she was up all day, and her lower area was still in pain. Later that night, Michael came in her room while she was sleeping. He brung her roses, balloons, and a card.

Michael: (sits down and holds his daughter) Hi baby girl, welcome to the world (he looked at her name) you have such a pretty name Alaina Elizabeth Houston? (Janet walked in)

Janet: (gasps) She's so beautiful.

Michael: Right? I'm proud of the children I made.

Janet: (looks at the name tag) Alaina Elizabeth Houston. Jackson?

Michael: I was looking for that ending too.

Janet: Mike can I talk to you?

Michael: (he put Alaina back in her cradle and went outside of the hospital room) Yea?

Janet: Michael your wrong. That girl is hurting right now and I can see it all in her face. She's been crying and it's obvious.

Michael: I just wanted to hurt her like she hurt me.

Janet: Michael that's your daughter. It's hurting her because you weren't holding her hand. You were right next door where she was. I know she stabbed you but you can heal from that, she can't heal from that.

Michael: I wrote her a note in the card I brung her but I'm sure she won't read it. She's mad at me and it's obvious, she didn't even put Jackson as our child's last name.

Janet: That's because she's not happy.

They went back in the room and Whitney was breastfeeding baby Alaina. She had dark circles around her eyes and she was stressed, it was obvious.

Janet: (watching her stress) Whit did you eat anything?

Whitney: (breastfeeding) not yet.

Janet: (she grabbed her keys) What do you want? Nothing isn't a option.

Whitney: Just coffee. I can't really function, I have to get up every three hours.

Janet: Do you want a bagel or anything, maybe a donut?

Whitney: Is it breakfast? (she looked at the time) Oh it's 2:00am, just bring me coffee and a breakfast sandwich please.

Janet: Okay, I'll be back in a minute.

Michael and Whitney were in the room together alone, they caught eye contact every so often but they would just look away from each other.

Kevin: (walks in) How are you Ms. Houston?

Whitney: (smiles) I'm in a little pain but I'm fine.

Kevin: (he rubbed her hand) If you need anything, me and Su are on shift.

Whitney: Okay, I'll call down there if I do.

Michael was jealous but he didn't say much. After she finna breastfeeding the baby, he held his daughter for the first time. She was beautiful. She had her momma's eyes and his whole face. He was emotional and couldn't understand why.

Michael: (sighs softly) I didn't plan on crying. I love you so much already (he kissed her forehead) I'm your dada.

Whitney: (she called in the her doctor)

Doctor Su: Yes Ms. Houston?

Whitney: I'm really sore. I don't know if it's because she was eight pounds but it hurts, really bad.

Doctor Su: Due to you having her before her due date and natural, your gonna be sore down there for a little while (she wrapped a ice pack in a towel and placed it by her area) that should do it.

Whitney: Thanks (she laid back and drunk her coffee) I'm swollen.

Janet: Does it not hurt?

Whitney: it does, it feels like someone just ripped me apart. I didn't know I could get so swollen.

Janet: I'm scared to have kids now (she watched Whitney fall asleep) She's definitely worn out.

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