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I haven't updated this book since September, so thank you for the support on this book even though I hate it, lol.

A few days later.

Whitney still wasn't herself. She was dropping so much weight that she was becoming unnoticeable.

Michael: Babe, I need you to eat (she put her head under her cover) Whit, please.

Whitney: (quietly) Don't force it on me. I can't Michael.

Michael: This is your third day barely eating, your thinner as ever. I understand what your going through and I know it's rough baby but please.

Whitney: (he got up and she flinched) I'm sorry.

Michael: Your okay, as long as I'm here. Your okay.(Janet walked in) Hey dunk.

Janet: Hey apple. Hey Nippy.

Whitney: Hey Janet.

Janet: Are you feeling okay? You've gotten so thin since the last time I've seen you.

Whitney: I'm just fine Jan, I promise.

Janet: What do you want to eat?

Whitney: Nothing, I'm fine.

Michael: No. Go get her some pudding or something. Just something soft.

Whitney: No.

Michael: Yes. Your too thin (she laid back under the covers)

Whitney: Turn the heat on too. Where's my baby girl? I have to breastfeed.

Michael: We explained this when you got out of the coma baby. You were dreaming.

Whitney: Alaina? She's not here?

Michael: We never had a child named Alaina baby.

Whitney: (she cut her eye at him) Michael why are you denying our child? she's a year old. She has my skin complexion and your whole face.

Michael: Baby, we lost our second child and you went into a coma.. You were dreaming in your coma for a year.

Whitney: A dream? So my baby.. isn't re-real?

Michael: (stroking her hair back) Maybe you had a dream of life with our second baby, but she didn't make it momma. You miscarried her in your third month. We wasn't sure of the gender but I'm sure it was a girl (she started crying) it's okay mama.

Whitney: Seriously? I loved that kid so much. She was my little angel. So I never held her?

Michael: You were dreaming while in a coma babe.

Whitney: Wait so your my husband and London is our only child?

Michael: Yea. London loves you so much Whitney.

Janet: Yea Whit, she really will not talk to us at all. She'll talk but not much.

Whitney: Maybe she's still shy.

Michael: She waited a year to see us again. Maybe she has to warm up to it.

Janet: She doesn't hate you, she just doesn't understand Michael. She doesn't know what her momma went through.

Michael: It's my daughter, I want her to talk to me at least.

Janet: Of course you can't take back the year you missed but gain your daddy daughter relationship back with her. She doesn't hate you, she just haven't seen you in so long.

Michael: I mean your right. I'll work on it when my baby gets better (he looked at whitney who fell asleep in his arms) she's still so beautiful, she'll always be.

Janet: (sits on the couch) She really is. I can't wait until she's herself again.

Michael: (holding her close) This is really my wife. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, ever. I just wish she would eat.

Janet: When's the last time she ate?

Michael: She never ate a full meal since she's been home, she just won't. She'll eat soft things but she'll end up throwing it up so she just doesn't eat now. I can't force her.

Janet: (sighs) I don't think she's in her right mind right now Michael, she's gonna go through the grieving process soon. But now, she's out of it. She's stuck in a daze right now. Maybe she's still traumatized because I promise you, she remembers.

Michael: We're moving out of here, I just don't trust this home. She's just in so much pain (he looked at Whitney's phone and seen messages from Bobby) What the hell?

Janet: what happened?

Michael: "I'm glad to see you out of that coma, but just know your mines. Michael bitch ass ain't gone have you for long, so say your goodbyes. You think you finna get away with leaving us and going to Michael? nah that bullshit ain't gone work. I got your fuckin' wedding ring, because you damn sure don't need it and every piece of jewelry you had around your neck is mines now. You don't need to wear shit that bitch ass nigga paid for and you damn sure don't need to wear his last name. When I find you again, I'm not ever letting your family, your daughter, or Michael see you ever again. Enjoy the time you have with them now, because it all ends when WE find you." Aye say, WHAT THE FUCK? (Whitney jumped up) It's nothing baby, go back to sleep momma.

Michael: (he walked in the front) All security, you know who you are. You don't leave from front security unless your shift is over and when your shift is over, you don't leave until the other security arrives. Pool security, make sure the security is set around the pool at all times. No one is to leave pool security or consider your ass fired. If anyone other than Whitney or my immediate family tries to get through the gate, you bust they ass. You hear me? (They agreed and London walked in)

London: (walks in) hey dada (he picked her up and she sat on his lap)

Michael: Hey princess, what were you doing?

London: I was playing pp.

Michael: Aww you were playing piano?

London: Yea dada.

Michael: Brad turn the security on around this mansion, now y'all get to work. I have the security system in here, so I can see when y'all are off duty. This is only temporary, we're moving out soon (his workers got to work and he spoke to his daughter) Lon Lon, your getting so old on me. What did you do for your fourth birthday with tia?

London: I had big party daddy!

Michael: That's great. I promise I'll be at the next one, okay?

London: (she laid in his arms) Otay. Where's mommy?

Michael: She doesn't feel well at all, she's a little sick.

London: Get better?

Michael: (smiles) Yes. Your mother is a strong woman, she's gonna get better soon. What did you eat today?

London: bweakfast. Tia made it.

Michael: (he looked at the time) Woah it's still early (she yawned) still tired?

London: Ya. Nap nap.

Michael: (chuckles) go ahead.

Janet: See? she's just shy. She'll grow out of it..

.. to be continued?

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