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Four weeks later, there's so much tension in the house between Whitney and Michael. They haven't spoke in weeks. She's been going through horrible contractions and Michael's been watching her go through them. She was screaming her lungs out, she was going into labor. Janet rushed over to her home, with all the tension going on and helped her.

Janet: (she seen Whitney shaking) I don't think we can make it to a hospital.

Whitney: (crying) I'm not gonna make it. I can't do it (she kept thinking she was gonna die) I can't!

Janet: (calling nurses to her home) I promise you are. They're on the way.

Whitney: (screaming) Ohhhh my Godddd!

Janet: (on ok the phone with the nurses) I'm not sure what to do (they gave her instructions)

The nurses came to her home while Michael was in the front, hearing her scream. He knew she was in labor, but he also knew he was would hurt her more by not being there. Little did he know, it would scar her forever.

Whitney: (tears rolling down her face)

Doctor Su: Your about to push Mrs. Jackson. Do me a small favor (she helps Whitney up a little) give Janet your right hand and your midwife your left hand.

Su lifted her legs and assigned her to push about four times each minute. It was the worst pain she ever felt. She was screaming so loud.

Doctor Su: Push!! (she starts to push with all her strength) I see her head okay? Take a deep breath, now push again (she pushed and cried)

Whitney: (crying) I can't do it.

Janet: (rubbing her hand) Whitney, yes you can. Only a few more pushes.

Whitney: (crying) I can't.

Doctor Su: Look at me mama, you can do it. On the count of five, give me a push. One.. two.. three.. four.. five.. (she pushed while screaming)

Whitney: Ouchhh! It hurts so bad! Pleasee get this baby out of me! (she let out the loudest scream of her life) SHIT!

Doctor Su: Deep breaths for me. Alright, push!

Whitney: (squeezing Janet and Michael's hand extra hard) IT HURTS!  (she stops pushing)

Doctor Su: Your gonna hurt your child! PUSH!

Whitney: (she pushed for a good thirty seconds) Oh my God.. please. Is it not over yet?

Janet: (laughs) she's close whitney.

Midwife: Take a breather, now push.

Doctor Su: (puts a cold towel under her) Her head is crowning! (she looked down at the baby and then up at Whitney who was crying) your so close.

Midwife: Alright, she's almost out of here! Give me a hard push Whitney! (she started pushing again) Whew, your doing great!! alright, deep breaths.

Whitney: (breathing heavily) Oh my.. Goodness.

Janet: Your doing so good.

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