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next scene:

Whitney was now four days past her due date and the contractions were coming in back to back, but she just didn't believe that she needed to go to the hospital until it was too late. Being surrounded by Janet and Michael, they kept her comfort.

Whitney: *eyes closed while holding on to their hands* ouch. (cries) it hurts so bad.

Janet: Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital, nip? It seems like you need to.

Whitney: *screams* Ouchh! No, i'm fine. My water didn't break.. He's not ready to come yet. Michael *squeezes his hand and yells* bring me a cold towel.

Janet: (rubbing her hand)

Whitney: *tries laying down but screams from another contraction* I don't think i'm gonna m-make it. It hurts so.. bad. (she sat back up and yelled) Michael hurry up, please.

Michael: Here mama, (he reached her a cold towel and she sat it on her belly) How you feeling?

Whitney: I'm in pain. I'm in so much pain.

Janet: (ties her hair back)

Whitney: Janet .. kids are .. woah.. they're so lovable but the pain to have them is .. painful. You're brother wants ten, so I *catches a contraction* whew. He can get eight more after .. if my body allows me too ..

Michael: (smiles while stroking her hair) You don't have to have anymore if you don't want to..

Janet: (warming whitney's hand) She's shaking.

Whitney: I'm scared. I don't know why. (she cried and he held her) I don't wanna put stress on myself.

Michael: It's all gonna be worth it.

She laid on her side and her contractions wore off for about thirty minutes until they came back—much worse than the last set of contractions. They would calm down for minutes and start again.

Whitney: *crying* I just need rest. I can't get any fuckin' rest. I need rest. I'm forty weeks pregnant, that's damn near ten months. I.. need.. him.. OUT! GET HIM OUT.

Michael: Baby, his due date was supposed to be four days ago. We need to get to the hospital.

Whitney: I'm good. I'm fine. I don't need to go there. I hate the hospital. I hate it. I really do.

Michael: We need to get you there whit.

Whitney: I'm fine. See? I don't feel anymore contra-contractions.

Michael: You just got one. I can tell.

Janet: We need to go to the hospital Nip. Where's your hospital bag?

Whitney: Apple, Dunk, i'm fine. I just need a warm bath.

fast forward; she took a bath and after putting her clothes back on, she felt a huge pain in her stomach which caused her to drop down to the floor. While she screamed Michael's name, her water broke and she felt pressure on her vagina.

Michael: *panicking* Oh my God, Oh my God. (yells) JANET! She's in labor.

Whitney: *screaming while crying* shhitttt. Call somebody, please.. (she cried while janet stood was cooling her down) Janet please, Michael please. Hurry.

Michael: *on the phone with paramedics* y-yes my wife is going into labor on the bathroom floor. Her water broke and she's on the floor going straight into labor. I need help.

Paramedics: Whats your wife's name, how old is she, how many months was she, and where is she now?

Michael: Whitney Houston Jackson, she's twenty-four, she was forty weeks, and she's on the bathroom floor now. Please help me.

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