Chapter Forty-Two

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(A/N: Oh and sorry if I offend anyone in thus chapter. I tend to offened people often...just remember it may or may not be my view on a certain subject.

This A/N is too long... Bye bye!)

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Its been a week since I got out of hospital. In case you were worried about me, I am staying at Youth Housing. What can I say I have no where else to go. Its nice here I guess. The people are nice. Mum at least let me get most of my stuff. She wouldn't let me stay.

Today is the day of Tiarna's funeral. It's weird to think that she is the only death that got the respect they deserved.

I am wearing my knee length black dress. I remember she use to always try and get me to give it to her insisting I never even wore it.

She was right. But I wouldn't let her take it. I was postive I would need it one day.

If someone told me it was for my bestfriends funeral I would of slapped them.

"Jessica! It's time to leave." Megan called from downstairs.

"Coming." I called. I took one last look in the mirror, mentally preparing myself for the whirlwind day of emotions I was about to be faced with.

The car ride with Meg was silent. I was visibly upset, Megan didn't push for any communication.

We arrived at the cemetery. Megan pulled into the lot.

"Are you sure you will be alright? You don't want me to come?"

"I'll be alright." Trying to convince myself as well as Meg.

She smiled as I hopped out of the car. Holding the flowers in my hand.

I had always hated funerals. What the hell who actually enjoys funerals. I am pretty certain everyone hates them. I had only been to two other funerals before. My great grandfather's and my Dad's. But this isn't about them. This is about Tiarna.

I didn't know many of the people. I was early though. So maybe more people were going to show up. I spotted Kyle and Larry, Tiarna's brother and dad. They looked shattered. Absolutely broken. I looked around at the other sad, remorse filled people. I assumed they were her relatives.

I walked over to the table amd picked up a program then took a seat in the second row.

After about ten minutes more people arrived. Some I knew from school. A few teachers.

Then I spotted Beau.

I forced a smile and a wave, beckoning him over towards me.

"Hi Jess." He smiled shuffling his feet awkwardly.

I hugged him. Feeling myself relax slightly.

We sat down waiting for the procession to start.

"Today we are here to mourn the loss of Tiarna Marie Weatherstone." The priest bellowed.

"Loosing a life so young is sad at first. Yes very painful. But we must remember that God has gained another young angel."

I mentally scoffed at the religious bullcrap this guy was preaching. I kind of spaced out for a while.

"And so join me in prayer as we remember and bless the life of Tiarna."

I clasped my hands together like the rest of them.

"Please look after my Cherokee." I heard Larry mutter under his breath.

I almost started crying. I couldn't imagine how hard this must be for him especially.

And it was all Josh's fault.

"Would anyone like to say a few words?"

Larry stood up, his eyes swollen from crying.

"Tiarna Marie Weatherstone. My daughter. As much as you sometimes thought I didn't, I loved you- Love you. Always. We may not have always agreed on somethings. But I- But I-" Larry couldn't finish. His speach halted by an onslaught of tears. He sat back down, muffling his ragged sobs in his hands.

"Anyone else?"

I wanted to. I really did. I just didn't know what to say. And I knew I might say something I would deeply regret.

"We would." Beau said, pulling me up with him and leading me to the podium.

"We don't really have anything prepared. But here goes."

"I have known Tiarna for four years now. And let me just say, they would of been quiet without her." Beau said, earning a few tiny smiles.

"Me and Tiarna m-met in Kindergarten. I still remember she made me cry that day and got sent to the corner. But all the best friendships have a rocky past. She became my bestfriend. And I'll admit it now. Its going to be hard without her." I said softly.

Beau smiled at me and then started speaking.

"Tiarna's laugh always made everything funnier. Her slightly psychotic smile always brightened a room. Sure we may not have been close friends. But the privilege to have known and been around her was enough."

Soft applause was heard as me and Beau sat down.

"You were great." Beau mused.

"Are you joking? It was all you Beau! I just stood there looking sad."

"Oh Jess." Beau laughed as we turned our attention back to the priest.

"The memorial presentation is about to be played."

The pictures of Tiarna flashed past as 'Pictures of you' by The Last Goodnight played in the background. I was in a few of the photos.

"We will lower her body down, so she can connect with the Earth, and our God." The priest spoke once the slide was over. Most people already surrounded by a puddle of tears.

As the coffin was lowered, flowers were tossed down the hole. 'Guts Over Fear' by Eminem infusing into my ears as I felt tears pricking my eyes.

Somehow someone bleeped all the swear words out because this was supposed to be a 'Catholic' funeral.

Sure Eminem wasn't the most appropriate song for a funeral. Actually it was probably the worst choice funeral song. But it was Tiarna's favourite artist. It was her right to have it played.

Everyone was a sobbing mess. People said their final goodbyes to her.

The priest instructed us to sit back down.

"And now Tiarna can be one with God. No more pain. No more suffer-" The priest was interrupted by someone barging in.

"Sorry I'm late."

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