Chapter Sixteen

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(A/N: Question. Who do you prefer Josh Ryan or Beau Reynolds? #comment your answer. xx)

The rest of the day dragged on without me hearing a word from Josh. It had been one of the longest days of my life. A lot had happened in a short amount of time. I just wanted this day to be over so I could see Josh again. I needed to fix this, before things just got worse.

I spent the rest of the day just studying. I really needed to get my grades back up. I was feeling a lot more positive than I have these past weeks.

I woke up that morning with a smile on my face. Something I haven’t done since that fateful day. I did what I do every morning. I checked my phone. I had a text messages. It was from Josh. I hastily clicked on the message.

Josh: Hey, can you meet me at E1 before school.

Yeah, sure.

The bus ride was boring, and extremely tedious. I almost sighed in relief as I stepped off the bus. I hurried off to E1 as soon as I left the stinking bus.

He was standing outside E1. Blonde hair sticking up in odd places, his blue eyes sparkling.

“Hey there.” He said as he pulled me into a hug.

“Hey.” My voice came out more like a squeak.

“C’mon.” He led me into E1, just as I had suspected we walked down the staircase into the lab.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“Well I don’t think you’ve been involved in enough of the business.” He smiled a crooked smile. Not unlike Mr Carrigan.

I gulped. “What?” Hesitance was clear in my voice, and Josh could tell.

“Don’t be so dubious. All you have to do is sell this.” He said gesturing to a small quantity of pot.

“All I have to do.” I mimicked sarcastically.

“Yeah it’s not that hard.”

“I can’t though. I’m no good at it.” I huffed.

“It’s not rocket science.” Josh teased as he handed me the marijuana.

“Can you at least give me an idea of who to sell it to?”

“You’ll figure it out.”

I sighed and started to walk away.

“Hang on! There’s an ounce there so that’s worth $250.”

“Woah $250! I can’t handle that!” I interrupted as I chuckedit back at him.

“Shut- I mean be quiet babe I’m trying to do calculations here.”

I waited patiently until he was finished his calculations. I could tell he was finished by the expression change.

“How on earth is a teenager supposed to afford $250 worth of pot?”

“Well I guess you can split it, and I take tick.” Josh explained.

“What’s ‘tick’?” I asked.

“It mean’s they can pay me later, owe me the money.” Josh made clear.

“What if they don’t pay you back?”

“Fucken hell, you ask a lot of questions.” Josh laughed. “If they don’t pay me back well… I think you know the answer to that already.”

“Samuel.” I said, I wasn’t sure if I had just asked a question or a concluded a statement.


“What so he was a customer?” I questioned.

“Yeah he was. All those sort of people are.”

I had no idea what ‘those sort of people’ were.

“It’s 9:10 I think I better go now.” I said

“Ok bye Jess.” Josh said as he hugged me tightly “Oh and good luck, meet me here at lunch.”

I wondered whom I could sell this to. Who had this much money? But more importantly who smokes weed? I pondered this thought. I didn’t know many people. It can’t be that hard to find someone who smokes weed in South Grafton. I headed to my cooking class anyway.

“Hey there.” I heard a timid voice.

I turned around to find Tiarna.

“Oh hi.”

“What’s up?”

“Tiarna! Yes!” I yelled

“What the fuck?” She had a perplexed expression on her face.

Whoops I hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

“Oh sorry, do you have any money on you.” I asked.

“Um…” she was unsure whether to answer the question.

I raised my eyebrow questionably.

“Yeah I do.” She answered

“How much?” I asked abruptly.

“$50 or so… I’m not sure why?” She said suspiciously.

I still had no idea how to approach the subject of selling drugs. I decided to just spit it out.

“Do you want to buy some weed?” I tried to sound confident.

What the fuck was I doing. Who the fuck is going to want to fucking my weed in the middle of class. And off me of all people?

“Um what?” Tiarna scoffed.

“You heard me.” I was starting to enjoy this newfound confidence.

“From who? Brendan?” Tiarna asked, obviously interested.

“No, me of course.” I said.

“Of course?” Tiarna mocked.

“Yes.” I snapped.

Tiarna rolled her eyes. “Yeah I’ll buy it.”

“Good meet me at E1 at recess.”

“When did you get into the business?” She asked.

My body stiffened. How did she know about the business? Was she even supposed to know?

“W-what are you talking about?”

“How long have you been in selling pot? Do you sell it with other people? Or is it your own little thing?”

I sighed, so she didn’t know about the actual business.

“I just do it own my own.” I covered.

“Oh ok.”

We waited until the end of class and ended up just walking to E1 together.

“I heard you and Josh Ryan were a couple?”

“Yeah we are.” I said as we arrived at the door. “Come in.”

“Why are we in here? What if a teacher comes?”


“They won’t.” I said, no confidence behind these words.

We got in the room and sat down.

I got the small bag of weed out, I grabbed about a fifth of the quantity.

“Shit I don’t have anything to put it in.”

“Can’t I just have it all?” Tiarna asked, eyeing the pot greedily.

 “Sure if you have $250?”

“Can’t I pay you later?” Tiarna asked.

Josh did say he accepted tick. I grabbed a piece of paper out of my bag.

“Ok, give me that $50 and write an I.O.U on here.” I said pointing to a piece of paper.

Tiarna did as she was asked. I gave her the marijuana.

“Wow thanks!” Tiarna exclaimed.

“No problem.”

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