Chapter Forty-Three

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(A/N: WHOOOP hit 7k reads! I can't believe it is nearly done. Wow.)

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He glared at the boy with the blonde hair and leather jacket.

"The service is nearly over."

"Fine by me, I never was really into funerals."

I didn't realize until then, but Beau had placed his arms around my waist, holding me firmly.

I couldn't take my gaze off him.

What was he doing? Why was he even here? How could he?

I was so angry right now. But I didn't know what to do. He was just standing there. His permentantly cocky smile stamped onto his face.

"Hey Jess." His voice.

"Josh are you fucking serious?" It was Beau that spoke.

"What?" Josh mocked innocence.

Beau held me tighter, trying to calm me.

"You need to leave. Now."

"Not until I talk to Jess." He smiled 'sweetly'.

"Not happening Josh."

"Not leaving Beau." Josh drawled out his name.

"Fine." I squeaked.

"Jess you don't have to do this?"

"I know." I said as I scrambled out of Beau's grip.

I felt Josh's eyes burning into me.

"Lets just go over here shall we?" He tried placing his hand in mu shoulder, but I shrugged it off violently.

"What's wrong?"

"You have to be joking?"

"Jess I am sorry."

"Right." Don't cry Jess, don't let him see you break.

"It was... It was a mistake."

"Whoops sorry Jess I just killed your best friend. My fucking mistake."

"I didn't know!"

"Bullshit Josh."

"Jess you have to believe me." He pleaded.

"You honestly think I would trust you? After all you have done?"

"Jess I never ment to hurt you." I could see the genuine hurt in his eyes.

"Okay Josh. You never ment to hurt me? So why do I have scars all acoss my wrist, and the puckered mark along my stomach? Oh and of course the break in my fucken heart Josh!" I screamed. Luckily we were far enough from the marquee.

"Your heart Jess? You don't care. You have Beau to run to. Who do I have Jess? No one because I can't just get over you."

I stayed silent. I just didn't know what to say. So I turned my back in him, and walked, walked away from Josh.

Josh jogged to keep pace with me.

"Jess please I am so so sorry. Please please Jess forgive me. I made such a huge mistake, the biggest mistake of my life. I can't lose you. I was so selfish."

I kept walking.

"Please Jess don't do this. Answer me."

I didn't stop.

"I love you so much. Sure I am fucked up, but you have to understand. Try to understand."

I could hear the sobs through his voice. He was crying. He was crying over me.

"You don't love me."

"No no no. Jessica I do love you. Please don't leave. How can I make it up to you? Just give me one last chance."

"You are the one that started this Josh."

"I know." His eyes trained onto the ground.

"Jessica?" His eye's met mine. His eyes were already red anf watery, his cheeks flushed. I just wanted to hug him, forgive him for everything.

I really wanted to.

"Goodbye Josh."

"Jess don't do this to me." Josh pleaded with me, grabbing my waist in an attempt to slow me down.

"Get off me Josh." I snapped pushing him backwards.

"Don't you love me?" He questioned me, a hopefully look in his eye.

"Did you honestly think I could anymore?" With that the last slither of hope vanished.

: * : * :

"Jess! Are you okay?" Beau fussed when I arrived back at the marquee.

"Yeah." I sighed deeply. "I'm fine Beau."

"What did he want?" Beau spoke in an almost whisper.

"He wanted me to forgive him."

Beau frowned.

"What did you do?"

"I could never forgive him Beau, don't worry."

"Can we get out of here now? It's too much."

"Yeah of course Jessie."

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"Is that Mr Carrigan?" I asked Beau, we were standing outside McDonald's.

"Yeah and Logan." He said just as he grabbed my hand and lead me inside.

They sat in a booth, we sat in the booth adjacent. We sat and listened

"Hello. Logan this is Senior Constable Rosco Miller."

"Hey Aaron."

"You are doing a fine job."

"I know I know. Its not easy though."

"How the hell are you keeping suspicion away? There have been 5 children completely vanish this year alone." Logan, Mr Logical piped up.

"Ahh. Its called money my friend Logan. And stupidity."

"Yeah but the parents. How do you stop parents from asking questions."

"Pfft easy. Just tell them we are trying our hardest to find there precious child. Or we find the body, and a convenient suicide note."

"And if they don't belive you?"

"Heads will roll."

"Thanks Miller. Keep it up."

"Will do Carrigan."

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"Wow who would of thought Rosco was corrupt." Beau pondered.


"Good point." Beau said.

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I lay down in my foster bed. Staring at the relatively unfamiliar room.

What has my life become? The start of this year was completely normal.

Then what? That's right! I was hurled into the whirlpool that is a drug business within the school. What crazy fucking bullshit is that?

Josh fell in love with me, I hurt him, he hurt me badly, so I hurt him again.

But what I did was best for everyone?

For me and for Josh.

He will be better off with me out of his way. He can go back to being the old Josh.

I am doing the right thing.

Aren't I?

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