Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(A/N 4k reads *whoop whoop* love you all! This chapter is a little darker than any other I guess. Sorry I haven't updated for a while I just needed to be in the mood. Hope you like it. Please vote/share. Fun fact- I am going to use this chapter as my assignment for my English class. The teacher is probs going to think I am messed up. But oh well :))

My hands were shaking uncontrollably my eyes stinging with the salty tears that traveled down to my lips. My line of sight traveled to the familiar box. I could feel Josh's gaze burning into me, urging me on. Ever so slowly tearing off the brown coverage. I pulled off the last red string and then removed the lid completely revealing the sleek knife. My vision was blurred from the water that was filling my eyes but I took out the knife and examined it. There it was, in the same spot I had seen it weeks earlier. Darcy's name was engraved in tiny italic letters. My breath hitched as I realized their was no getting out of it this time.

Darcy sat there blindfolded, unmoving.

"To make it a little easier for you this time we put him to sleep for you. We don't need him running again do we? It took us a while to find you again didn't it Darcy? He said he wouldn't rat us out. But you know as well as me Jessica; trust no one." Josh barked.

The knife handle felt cold in my palm. Icy almost.

My feet moved slowly and unwillingly over towards where Darcy was restrained tightly on the chair. His blindfold was covering his eyes, covering his humanity. It's easier to kill someone when you can't see the emotion in their eyes. I quickly glanced at Josh who was watching me intently. I brought the blade of the knife up to square with Darcy's chest. I carefully attempted to aim for his beating heart, this proved to be near impossible due to the trembling that was now racking through the entirety of my body. I screwed my eyes shut and jabbed blindly towards Darcy's chest. I felt the knife dive through the layers of skin and muscle. With my eyes still tightly closed, I started to slowly withdraw the blade from his body. I felt a warm dense liquid drip across my hand. I knew it wasn't water. I realized my eyes were still clamped shut. I reluctantly opened my eyes. My mouth dropped at the sight in front of me. There was Darcy, someone I use to consider my friend full of about 20 fresh stab wounds. All of them pooling with blood. All of them done by me. I looked up to his mouth, he must of been coughing up so much of his vital fluids. His lips and chin were stained with the red mixture of drying blood mixed with saliva.

I thought I had only stabbed him once...

"You practically mutilated him Jess, stab happy much." Josh laughed, looking from me to Darcy's body.

A blood curtiling scream interrupted my thoughts. It just went on and on, it could of been hours, I swear. I looked over at Josh. It seemed as if he was yelling at me but no words were leaving his mouth. I couldn't tell. Noise was filling my ears. All I could hear was the high pitch scream consumimg me.

The screaming stopped; I had been screaming.

Josh was yelling obscenities at me but I was tuning him out. Telling me off for making him deaf apparently. I sat down on the floor and brought my knees up to my chest. I just cried a until I had no energy to cry any more. I don't know how long that had been. Seconds, minutes, hours. I had no clue, time honestly didn't matter to me anymore. Nothing mattered to be anymore. I was still holding the knife I had just used to murder Darcy. To take his young life away from him so easily. He had so much more to live for.

I pushed myself up off the ground into a standing position. That was it. This was the last straw. I couldn't take anymore. I brang the knife up and looked at the blood that had dried onto the metaliac edge. I wiped the remains of Darcy's blood onto my shirt. I looked down at the underside of my small, pale wrist. I ran the sharp edge across my wrist. I cut again, hoping this time to hit a vein.

"What the fuck Jessica." Josh shouted across the room. He came running over to me, not watching his feet he slipped on the ever growing pool off blood. Hitting his head on the ground.

I let the knife run across my wrist again and again and again. Until their were all up 10 cuts along my arm. I stood and watched the red liquid dripped onto my white shirt. I felt dizzy and wanted to sit down. My vision started becoming blurry. Everything was becoming distorted and hard to distinguish. I saw Josh pick him self off the ground and start charging at me.

"Jess stop it." Josh cried out.

No I wasn't going to stop it. What did he care anyway. I held my wrist out in front if him. And struggled to make one last cut, deeper than any other. Was this all just out of spite?

He lurched out in sheer desperation trying to grab the knife. I jerked away from him and he stumbled, trying to catch his balance back.

He grabbed the knife and tried pulling it from my grip. I pushed him away from me before he could yank away the weapon. He fell backwards but recovered quickly. Before he could try and take the knife again I launched the blade into the lower of my stomach. I screamed in pain unable to cope. The pain of it blinded me, it was like a bright light being shone into my eyes. That's the only way to explain it. I fell to the floor. I could already feel the life leaving my body. I saw blue and black spots infront of my eyes. Just as I had done so before. Soon I would be a lifeless corpse. Free from my hell on earth.

The last thing I heard was someone screaming and crying by my side.

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