Chapter Forty

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"I walked down the stairs. And I saw her first. Her mouth had a blindfold stuffed into it. Her arms and legs were bound to a chair. But I was ready too late."

I could see Beau was on the brink of tears, he was really trying not to let them spill over.

"She was on the chair still sitting up, he had cut all along her wrists. I think he was trying to make it look like suicide."

What the fuck? Was he seriously that sick in the head?

"But the thing is, he started cleaning up the blood."

"Why?" If he did that it means it wouldn't look like a suicide attempt. He wasn't that stupid was he?

"I don't know Jess. He wanted her to get found but I think he forgot."

"Do you think they will figure it out?"

"What? That it wasn't suicide? Yes definitely. Even the cops around here can see that."

"No I mean do you think they will figure why he did it?" I said, not sure what emotion I was actually feeling.


"Why don't you tell the cops Beau?"

"Because I know you don't want me to."

"That's not..." I trailed off.

"See." Beau reinforced.

"But he deserves it." I whimpered.

"I know Jess." He pulled me into a tight hug.

Before I could stop myself I was sobbing into Beau's hard chest.

For a while I just lay there, his muscular arms wrapped tightly around me.

"I-I missed this." I managed to say through ragged breaths.

"Same." He mused as he tucked a clump of horrendous hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry." I said, my voice barely audible.

"For what?"

No I'm not going to kiss him. If thats what you're thinking.

"I'm just sorry. For everything. I never wanted any of this Beau. It changed me. He changed me. I use to think it was for the better but these last few days I have seen how much I have hurt people. How much I hurt you."

"Jessie," My nickname that was reserved for Beau's, and only Beau. "you can't be so hard on yourself. Look at what you have been through these past months. Yes, I am not going to lie, you did hurt me. And you hurt other people that may not forgive you, ever. You have seen people killed in front of you and even stabbed someone Jess." Beau whispered.

I started crying again. Beau pulled me back into his chest, this comforted me somewhat. He kept talking.

"But Jess I know you have a heart. Josh as much as he led you to believe he doesn't have a heart. He loved you, yes that I am sure of. But he doesn't have a true heart."

I sniffled.

"You probably have no idea what I mean." Beau sighed, leaning his chin ontop of my head.

"I love you." I said looking up into Beau's eyes.

"I love you too Jess."

And for the first time in months I felt safe and happy almost. Here in Beau's arms.

Hold it for a minute! Don't go getting all of that sappy bullshit into your brain. I knew right there and then this is how me and Beau we're ment to be together. I knew he saw it that way as well.

I use to think I had a crush on him, I was just confused. I did know I had strong feelings for him, and now, I have finally worked out what they mean.

"Beau?" He had been silent for a while.

"Yeah Jess?" He seemed more distant then a few minutes ago.

"There's something wrong." I didn't ask a question, I knew there was something bothering him.

"Jess there is something I need to tell you, and if I don't get it off my chest now, I'll never be able to live with myself."

I gulped slightly, I felt a little queasy. Whatever Beau was about to tell me was making hin sweat, adding to my anxiety.

"Its all my fault!" Beau dropped his face into his hands.

"What's all your fault? Beau?"

He started crying, I was rubbish at comforting people. I pulled him into a very awkward uncomforting hug.

"I-I... Its my fault you are in this whole mess Jessica!" He yelled, momentarily forgetting we were still in the hospital.

"What? No! Beau don't say that! Its not your fault!"

"I am a selfish dick Jess! Josh made a deal with me. He said I could leave the business on one condition, one of my friends would take my place. I thought it waa going to be someone like Martin or Brayden. I didn't think it was going to be you Jess! If I had of known I never would of made the deal!"

I was shocked. Speechless.

"Jess?" Beau sobbed.

"Mhmm?" I mumbled.

"Are... are you okay?"


"Do you want me to leave?"

"For now, yes."

"Okay." And with that Beau got up and left. Walking off and out of sight.

Walking off. Beau was walking and I didn't even notice! I was seriously that caught up in my own little world I didn't even notice Beau wasn't in a wheel chair.

But how?

Aimee came back a little a while later to take my vitals and sneak me some chocolate. And unfortunately hand me the phone.


"Where the fuck have you been?" She screeched at the other end of the phone.


"Around? Fucking around? You haven't been home for almost two weeks!"

"Yeah and I'm sure you were worried sick!"

"You ungrateful little bitch! I had the cops looking for you and everything! You know what? Don't bother fucken coming home!"

Well thats just perfect. Great now I'm homeless. Actually I never had a 'home'. Home's are supposed to be warm and inviting. I'm houseless. I don't think this week could get any worse.

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