Chapter Nineteen

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“Jessica?” I heard a faint voice call my name.

“Jessica can you here me?”  They said there tone growing more worried with every word. I tried to open my mouth but I just couldn’t do it. Plain and simple.

“She won’t answer me! She’s dead!” I heard the voice yell. I have no clue whom though.

“How can she be dead if she is breathing?” Another voice snapped. A different person. Their tone was gruff. I recognized this voice, I had heard it before. I tried to open my eyes but my lids felt like they weighed one hundred kilograms.

“Her eyelids fluttered! She is alive!” The higher voice of the two said. “Jessie, wake up. Are you ok?”

I opened my mouth but I couldn’t form any words, my head was throbbing like crazy.

“Fuck!” I heard the voice yell in frustration. I heard a bang; I assume they kicked the door.

“Just leave her the fuck alone. Let her rest.” The gruff voice said.

“I don’t want to leave her alone.” The younger sounding voice said.

“Fine I am leaving though. You should probably take her to the hospital. I can’t give her anymore heroin to numb the pain. It will kill her.”

“Can you drive us there?” The young voice said, it cracked in the middle of speaking.

“Yeah sure, go up I’ll meet you there.”

“I-I can’t carry her.”

I wasn’t that heavy was I? I don’t think these people, whoever they were, were aware that I could understand and comprehend every word they spoke.

“For fuck sake! Weak ass.” The deep voice growled.

I felt large callused hands under my arms. They put one of their arms under both of mine, with his free hand the scoped up my legs. I felt like a dead weight as they carried me up the stairs. I heard as second pair of feet walk beside us.

“Aaron be fucking careful mate.”

Aaron? Who’s Aaron? Mr Carrigan? Why am I with Mr Carrigan? Is he carrying me? Where the fuck am I?

“Josh shut up. At least I have enough muscle to carry a 45kg girl.”

Josh! What? I tried to open my eyes to confirm everything. It took all my energy to open my eyes for a mere 3 to 5 seconds. I looked up, the man who was holding me was indeed Mr Carrigan. Not having the energy to do otherwise. I also saw Josh, he really was here, and it wasn’t just my imagination.

“Jess? Can you hear me? We’re taking you to the hospital okay? Jess?” Josh said.

I tried my best to answer him, but I could speak. My head was spinning and throbbing. I felt weak and my muscles were practically dead.

“She isn’t answering. Jess?” Josh was growing more and more worried. “Ok Jess, we are getting in the car now.”

Mr Carrigan lowered me slowly into the car. Someone put my seatbelt on, soon followed I by the low grumble of the car engine.

“Aaron wait. What about the heroin?” Josh panicked.

What? They weren’t seriously making a deal were they… wait I remember Mr Carrigan saying he gave me some. For the pain I guess.

“What? Are you craving? I am not seriously turning the fucking car around so you can shoot up…” Mr Carrigan grumbled.

“No you fucken idiot, she has fucking heroin in her system. In her blood!” Josh’s voice began to fill the car, gradually getting louder and louder.

“They won’t take blood, she will just need a transfusion. Hopefully.” Mr Carrigan explained, his confidence was awfully shakey.

“You better be fucking right Aaron.”

“I am always right.” Mr Carrigan snapped.

“Bullshit. If we get arrested you are going to cop it big! Life mate, life! I am underage so I’ll go to juvy for like 4 years then I’ll get out.”

“Fuck Josh, sometimes I forget you're  that young.”

“Yeah well. I have had to grow up fast haven’t I?” Josh snapped.

Despite me barely being able to keep semi-conscious, I could feel the tension in the car. I felt the car jolt to the side as Mr Carrigan took a sharp turn. We were obviously at the hospital.

“I am not carrying her in there.” Mr Carrigan complained.

“I thought she wasn’t that heavy?” Josh teased.

“She isn’t,” Mr Carrigan defended. “But it’s not like I want to carry her in there, they will think I am her father.” He rambled on.

“Fuck sake. Go get a nurse or whatever then!” Josh said, anger bubbling in his voice.

From what I could tell Mr Carrigan had left, leaving just Josh and I in sir’s car.

Sir? It sounds so odd calling him ‘sir’ after everything. My thoughts were interrupted Josh’s coughing.

I opened my eyes, I was still feeling terribly though. I saw Josh blowing smoke out the window.

I mustered all my energy; I needed to speak to him. Just a word or two.

“You shouldn’t smoke in a car.” I barely whispered, but apparently Josh heard me. He whipped his head around. He had a beaming smile going form ear to ear stuck on his face.

“Jess!” He practically screamed as he jumped through the gap in-between the two front seats, just to be closer to me.

“Hey.” My voice was extremely hoarse, I managed a weak smile.

“Jess, I was so worried. What happened.”

“I.” I couldn’t form the words, or I couldn’t bear to tell him what really happened. I honestly couldn’t tell.

“Jess I saw the cut on your leg. I found you. You were in the bathroom, covered in blood.” Josh cringed remembering the image.

“Why…” I started but trailed off.

“What? Why did I go to the girls toilet?” Josh’s words were rushed.

“Yes.” One-word answers were all I could manage.

“Well I had a class with you, you didn’t turn up so I went to find you…” He didn’t finish what he was about to say.

I heard a loud tapping on the window, Josh’s head shot up.

“Aaron is the nurse there?”

“Yeah we got a wheelchair.” Mr Carrigan grumbled, all he did was grumble or snap I swear to god.

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