Chapter Twenty-Five

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(A/N: Sorry guys been a while but I was away and didn't have a copy of the book. Here is the next chapter though!)

"I am sorry. I know I say this too much but I truly am sorry." I abruptly burst into tears again; Josh rushed to my side to comfort me.

"Tell me." Josh said as he wiped my eyes.

"I kissed him." I managed to say in between my ragged sobs.

Josh rocketed to his feet. He looked around the room and found a glass flower vase. He picked it up and threw it at the wall. Shattering it completely. He then walked up to the painted wall and smashed his closed fist into it. Leaving a hole in the wall and busted knuckles bleeding. He then turned to me. I instinctively flinched away.

"You kissed Beau! Out of all the goddamned people in this world you kissed him Jess! That's it Jess! That's fucking it!" These were Josh's last words to me before he left me, once again. But this time was different, this time I knew he wouldn't come back to me. I knew me telling him I kissed Beau would break him. Break his heart yes, but him in general.

To my great surprise no tears formed in my eyes. I felt empty... just empty. I had no emotion. I didn't want to cry. I just wanted to sit here. In my somewhat trance. In silence.

That's when my phone rang, breaking me from my trance. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I barely mumbled into the phone.

"Jessica? Where the fuck are you?" A female voice barked into the phone.

"Mum." Oh shit. She doesn't have a clue where I am.

"I called the police. I asked everyone. You weren't answering your phone. I was worried! Where are you?" She babbled on.

"I... I..." Shit. I didn't even know what to tell her. But I sure as hell wasn't going to tell her the truth.

"Jess!" She ordered.

"I was at Jack's house." I lied, I only said Jack because he doesn't know his parents at all.

"Jack? Why were you at Jack's house?" She questioned.

"Because I can..." I said childishly.

"Well why didn't you tell me?"

"You weren't home."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"My phone was dead."

"How are you calling me now?"

Shut up. Fuck.

"I charged it obviously."

"Don't use that attitude." She yelled into the phone.

"I don't have any attitude." I snidely replied.

With that I ended the call and put my phone on the small table beside my bed.

My mum was probably going to kill me when I eventually got home. But then again did I really have anything to live for?

The next few hours or so I just sat. I did absolutely nothing. I didn't eat anything. I didn't drink anything. I didn't move anywhere. Nothing.

The next thing that I remember is a petit nurse taking my blood pressure.

"Oh hello dear. Are you fit to go home today?" The small aged woman asked, her too bright lipstick agitating me.

"Yeah. What is the time?" I asked before I realized the clock on the wall.

"It's only seven o'clock dear, but we assumed you should go off to school today. So we will discharge you bright and early." She chirped happily, smiling like it was the happiest news on this earth.

"Yeah." I simply replied. School was definitely the last place I wanted to go. But did I really have another choice? I was sick of these white walls already and unforgettable memories that took place inside them.

I looked through my bag. I had no notebooks. No pens and no uniform. I was completely unprepared. I was going to have to make do with what I could rummage up.

I found a pair of grey skinny jeans that I was going to have to wear. I couldn't find any shirts except a pink tank top. Great. Luckily I found a black hoodie to wear over the top. Eventually I was fully dressed and discharged.

"Dear when is your father picking you up?" My nurse said.

My father? I hadn't seen my father in over five years? Unless she means Mr Carrigan? Shit.

"He... he uh is waiting down in the car." I explained.

"Sorry but I can't let you go without his signature." She said sweetly.

Fuck. I hate my life.

"Oh of course I'll just give him a call then?" I hurried into my room to make the call. Thank fuck Josh gave me his number.

I called and waited as the phone dialed. He picked up on the last ring. Typical.

"Hello?" He barked into the other end of the line.

"It's Jessica..." I said.

"What do you want? I'm getting my fucking coffee."

"I need help."

"You need my help? Never thought I would hear the day. Where are you anyway?" He said in his signature gruff voice.

"I am still at the hospital. That's the problem. You have to come sign me out. The think you're my father."

"Fuck off. I am over the other side of town the traffic will be fucked."

"Please..." I didn't know what to call him though. It just seemed unfit to call him 'sir'.

"Fine but you owe me. Big time."

"Fuck sorry for the massive inconvenience." I huffed

"So you should be." He said as I heard the click indicating that the call had ended.

I walked out to the nurse's station

"He'll be here soon he just went to get a coffee." I said as I smiled sweetly then turned away.

About a half an hour later I heard an impatient buzzing at security door.

"Who is this?" I heard a nurse say through the speaker.

"Aaron Carrigan. Jessica's...father." Mr Carrigan practically spat the last word out.

"Oh you can come in now."

He stormed in, signed the paperwork and we were out of there in five minutes.

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