Chapter Forty-Seven

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(A/N: omg crying rn. I am PRETTY SURE this is going to be the last proper chapter. Holy crap. Holyyyyy shitballs.

Feel free to PM me or something!

Long chapter. Yiew. Also thanks fo 700 reads in like a few days! Yiew yiew!

I'm nearly at 9k AND 1k votes! um yes!)

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My eyes flickered open and I exerted myself taking in the room around me.

I was laying in a uncomfortable white sheeted bed.

I noticed my arms were coveted in a thick white bandage.

Oh no.

The memories hit me like a truck.

"She's awake." I heard a voice exclaim not to far off.

"Jessica Murray. I am Constable Janey Tinder. You have now been formally arrested for the dealing amd suspected possesion of drugs. If you are able to stand we will immediately take you into custody.
What the fuck? What the fuck! What the actual fuck is going on?

"I'm fine." I wasn't actually sure, but I needed to figure out what the fuck was going on.

Megan lamely helped me to my feet.

"Jessica what on Earth is happening." She cried, breaking into tears.

I ignored her. A male officer placed my hands behind me back, cuffing them.

I was escorted into the police van and taken to the station.

: * : * :

The light was very bright when it was shone into my eyes.

I squinted at the officers.

They hit record on there machine.

"Jessica can you tell me anything about the accusations against you?" The female Constable asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I think you have made a mistake." I said cooly. I had to keep it together.

"Mm. So can you explain how my partner here, Officer Dobbin, saw you and Former Senior Constable Miller at Rushforth Park trading a substance methamphetamine?"

"No comment."

"Jessica you may not no this yet, but you can't answer 'no comment' in a police interview. " Constable Dobbin said slowly.

"Was the young woman at the park you Jessica?"

"Yes." I said hesitantly.

Oh god what was I going to do? Should I just give it up?

"Good. And did you sell Rosco Miller a prohibited drug?"

I sighed deeply.


"Was this the only dealings?"


"Jessica this is a serious crime. It doesn't matter of your age. Thats no excuse. This is so serious that you will go to juvy. And then when you turn 18, probably jail. If you withhold any information from us that is later revealed, you will be charged with 'Withholding information or evidence from police'."

So under the pressure and my mental state I told them everything.

I told them about the murders, the drugs and of course I ratted out all the people. Those same people that I became sickly attached too. But what can I say? I'm fucked up. This whole thing has fucked me up immensely. I have murdered people for fuck sake. I have taken drugs I never would of even thought of.

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