Chapter Thirty-Nine

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(A/N: Dedicated to GoodGirls124 for being an awesome loyal reader of mine. And commenting for what new cover she wanted! ^^ one of those two is becoming the new cover, I'm not quiet sure which one yet.)

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My mouth fell open as I stared mindlessly at the screen.

No no no no no. There was no way this could of happened. Could be happening. Tiarna dead. The girl who I had known since my first day of kindergarten. The girl who had been my best friend through thick in thin. Dead. Gone. I was never, ever going to see her again. Or hear that loud obnoxious voice of hers. Her bat shit crazy laugh over things that weren't that funny.

How could of this of happened. Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse this happens.

I realised my mouth was still hanging open. I closed it and looked back up at the TV.

"Beau how well did you know Tiarna?" Heath asked, in typical reporter fashion.

"Uh I have known her since year seven. We are in a few classes together." Beau said, I could see he wanted to stop this interview as quickly as possible.

"Do you mind describing what she was like when you found her?" Heath scooted closer.

"Dead." Beau said clearly irritated.

"No I mean in more deta-"

"I'm done here." Beau said, swatting the microphone away and walking off camera. "Well there you have it. The latest on the South High School death. Where a student was found in the science lab. We are still unsure if it was a homicide, suicide or just a plan old accident. We will get back to you when we have more information. Back to you Sandra."

"Thanks Heath. In other news-"

I flicked off the TV.

In a science lab. It had to be Josh. Josh had killed Tiarna. He probably did this to get back at me for kissing Beau. Well I would kiss Beau over Josh any day. I'm not even sorry anymore. How could he have done this? He truly is heartless and uncapable of loving anything or anyone. Except himself. Josh was a self centered, egocentric, psychopathic jerk. There was nothing more to it.

Maybe they had made a mistake. But then again I think Beau would know if it was Tiarna. The way he looked straight down the camera was almost haunting. He knew something. I knew him well enough to know when something was up.

Before I could control it I started crying. The familiar sting in my eyes as the warm, salty tears streaked my face. I fell asleep with a face wet from tears and a damp pillow.

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"Jessica." I was roused from my sleep by the sound of Aimee's voice.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, snapping open my eyes.

"There's someone here to visit you."

"What?" I said, I started getting a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Yeah they are outside in the waiting room. Do you want to see them?"

No. I thought to myself.

"Who is it?" I asked Aimee.

"I don't know. He didn't say his name. But apparently he's a good friend of yours."

Oh no. Seriously Josh can't be here can he? Its taken him long enough. I am surprised he wasn't here a lot earlier. He's probably just here to tell me to never come near him again. Or to rub it in he killed my best friend. Wait I can't say that. Innocent until proven guilty. No matter what I don't want to see him. But before I could send the message to my mouth it was too late.

"Sure. Why not? Send him in."

Aimee left in the direction of the waiting room.

What the hell is wrong with me?

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"Just over there." I heard Aimee's voice from around the corner.

The butterflies in my stomach were uncontrollable. How could he still do this to me? Make me this nervous?

"Hey Jess." His voice was small, and he sounded nervous. But why?

A flood of relief passed over me. My body relaxed but I still felt nervous. But nothing like I could have.

"Hi Beau." I managed a weak smile.

"It's good to see you, even if it's not under the best circumstances." He said, sitting down on the edge if my bed.

"Yeah." I said, a small awkward silence fell over us

"Jess have you watched the news lately?" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah." I said, fiddling with my hands.

"So I am going to go out on a limb here and say you know what happened at school."

"Yeah." I said for the third time in as many minutes.

"I didn't want to say too much on the news until I spoke to you."

I looked at him quizzically.

He sighed deeply, a somber expression covering his cute face.

"Jess I'm going to tell you the whole story, please don't get mad."

"I-I." I stuttered, he took this as a yes for some reason and began speaking.

"Okay at lunch the other day I saw Josh come down to where your group sits." He paused.

Oh no.

"He was talking to them, mainly Tiarna, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Then Tiarna stood up and walked up the hill with Josh."

No he couldn't could he? Why?

"I knew something was up, Josh had barely even acknowledged Tiarna before." Beau said, I could hear anger lacing his voice.

I didn't interrupt, I just listened, willing myself not to cry.

"After a few minutes of battling my conscience I followed them. Not too close obviously, I saw him take her into E1. I waited outside the room for a while. I heard Tiarna protest something but I couldn't hear quite right. After a while it became quiet. I panicked and burst through the door. There was no sign of either of them."

It almost looked like Beau was about to cry. I grabbed his hand and placed it in mine, squeezing gently.

"I looked around and saw nothing. Then I realised he probably took her downstairs."

He glanced quickly at me then back down at our hands.

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