Chapter Thirty-Three

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I straighted up, gazing down on her one last time before silently leaving her bedside. I walked out of the ICU without so much as a second glance. I took long strides until I reached the elevator. I steped inside and pressed the illuminated button with a "G" on it. I internally cringed at the horrid piece of elevator music that began to play.  The lift stopped with a jolt, the metal door screeched open and I hurriedly exited the hospital.

Rain. Great. That's just fan-fucking-tastic.

The school was a fair few kilometers from the hospital, but on the other hand my house wasn't.

I quickly jogged across roads and parks, letting the downpour soak my hair and body. Despite the chill I was getting, it was quite tranquil.

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I eventually reached my front veranda. The door was locked, so I went to reach around and grab my bag, to get the spare key out of it.

Of course I left it at the hospital.

"For fuck sake! Give me a break!" I muttered angrily out loud.

Even though I knew I would have no luck, I attempted to simply just wiggle and push the door open. Yeah obviously all my expectations are completely brainless and far fetched today, because guess what? The motherfucking door didn't open. Nope didn't even budge.

I knocked on the door violently, hoping my father was home. Then again how could I expect that? He was probarly down the pub getting drunk or trying to pick up some cheap whore. Don't get me wrong though, I love the guy. He has never failed to care for me, he feeds me and puts a roof over my head, but he's not really "father matieral". Hey, but everyone has their flaws right?

As I had predicted, my dad didn't answer the door. I went to sit down, but hit my head on the open...window! Thank god. I turned around and saw the small opening. I almost sighed in relief.

First I tossed my wet shoes through. I then jumped up onto the lounge and stuck one leg in the window. I was practically stradling the ledge. I had one leg dangling halfway into the house, and the other foot was placed firmly one the wet concrete out side. Well that was until my dog Milo came and crashed into it, causing me to lose my footing. And causing me some very serious pain in the nether region. If you catch my drift.

After a few minutes of me yelping like a dying puppy. I slowly, and painfully, tried to lift my remaining leg in through the small window.

I got most of my leg in, before I was caught in a very awkward position. A position no man, or woman should ever have to endure. I tried to yank my foot past the frame. I did so, but instead of standing gracefully in my home. I had landed on the carpet with a substantial thud, face first. I lay there for a moment, just sprawled on the lounge room floor, before I forced myself up off the ground.

I was so completely done, just done.

Yeah some people deal with their emotions by cutting or writting or bullying or getting drunk or getting laid.

You know how I deal with it all? Sit down, this may surprise you.

I get high.

You're  surprised right? Yeah I knew you would be.

I went to the laundry room, although it has never been used to wash any clothes. I found the key I had hidden and swiftly unlocked the cabinet.

I looked at the array of drugs lined before me. But I needed to choose one that could just take all the pain I was feeling away, just temporarily. Honestly I hadn't even taken alot of the drugs before me right now. And one of them was heroin.

I had everything already organized. Everything I would need to shoot up all set. Even though I, personally hadn't done heroin before, didn't mean I didn't know how. I had a clean plastic spoon with a chunk of black tar heroin placed carefully in the centre. I drew about fifty to seventy five units of water into the syringe. The water was then squirted onto the spoon to dissolve heroin. I expertly rolled a piece of cotton ball into about the size of a tic-tac. I pushed the tip if the syringe into the middle of the cotton ball, pulling back the plunger, filtering unwanted particles through the cotton.

I rubbed an alcohol swab along the crook of my arm, essentially killing any germs. I found a protruding vein and I laid the needle flat against the surface of my skin. I felt anticipation, as I readied myself.

I gently eased the needle into my vein, wincing slightly at the pinch I felt. I carefully put pressure on the plunger, easing the chemical into my body, taking precaution not to inject the heroin to fast, or even too slow. I steadily withdrew the syringe, letting out a deep breathe I had been apparently holding in.

It didn't take long before I started to notice the effects. I did just inject in directly into my blood stream, this being the quickest and most efficient way of obtaining your high.

I lazily trotted over the recliner and plonked myself down to comfort, I looked around for the TV remote so I could watch some endless reruns of Friends. Come one it never gets old! I tried to find the remote but gave up as my vision doubled and became increasingly blurry.

All of a sudden a totally indescribable wave of pleasure rushed it's way through and over my entire body. I sat there dazed and out if it for what felt like hours, actually it probably was hours. I felt so groggy and my eyes were heavy and my face drooping. It was only a matter of time before I finally drifted off into a hazey drug induced sleep.

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