Chapter Three

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My alarm rang out twice before I stopped it. I was lying on my bed face down realizing that unfortunately I was awake. I looked at my crumpled timetable; thank god I didn’t have Science today. One day of peace maybe? Doubt it. As I was packing my bag, I came across a small package. I looked at it carefully. I couldn’t believe it. The package was the same one I’d gotten off Mr Levo to give Mr Carrigan. Mr Carrigan must of put it in my bag while I was blindfolded. The contents of the package was a small quantity of marijuana and a handwritten note that read:

Jess. sell this ASAP. It’s an initiation as such. Wish you luck. J.R.

No way. You've got to be fucking shitting me. This can't be real. I'm fucking 16 year old high school girl! Not a god dammed drug dealer!

Getting off the bus I was greeted by my two best friends. I’d known them since primary school. Tia was a shy, quiet girl with vibrant red hair and money, although she often lost her temper. Tiarna is an outgoing, loud girl with black hair that didn't come from the richest of family’s. Two completely different girls who have remained friends. I was feeling awfully nervous about doing my first ‘deal’. But I think I knew exactly who my first client would be.

I walked up to Blake and his friends. He looked stoned, as usual. He was a tall dude with curly hair and braces. He was a creepy looking guy. I tried to avoid him as often as possible, but this time I had no other choice.

“Hey Jessica. Wassup?”

“Blake, Shut the hell up.” I said irritated, “You got any money?”

“Yeah ‘cause I do? Why you wanna know?”

“Because I have something you might want.” I said flatly.

“Yeah what’s that?” He asked in a creepy voice, as he looked me up and down. I wanted to vomit. I punched him in the nose. It started bleeding rapidly. I stomped away absolutely furious.  

I had to think! I should have just sold the crap to Blake. Then it hit me. A ball hit me! I turned to see where it came from. Daniel! Ugh stupid Daniel! Yeah exactly. Stupid Daniel. Tiarna and I once sold him sherbet for $10 cause we said it was cocaine. I scoped up the ball with one hand, and with the other retrieved the package. I approached Daniel and his friends.

“Hey Daniel” I said keeping my voice positive.

“Hi Jessica? Um what are you doing?”

“I need to speak to you.”

Yeah, what about?”

“I was wondering if you’d care to buy some uh…weed off me?” I said keeping a steady voice, but trying not to laugh at how fucking cringe I sounded.

“Yeah sure what’s your price?”

I honestly had to idea how much it cost.

“Uh $20?”

“Yeah sure thing chicken wing.”

He handed me a $20 and seemed elated with the price

Oh shit.

I tried to stay positive. At least I’d made a sale. As I trod along the wet grass my phone began vibrating. It was a private number. I hesitated then answered the phone.

“Hello who is this?”

“That doesn’t matter right now. Meet me at the E1 Science lab immediately.”

The person on the other end on the call hung up. I warily made my way to the location. I stood outside in front of the door when suddenly a hand grabbed me and hauled be inside. I was forced on to the nearest chair and blindfolded. I was once again taken down endless flights of stairs into the light deprived room. When I regained my vision I saw Josh in a fit of anger. His face scarlet with rage. He turned to me. I froze.

Josh also froze, then instantly outwardly stopped showing his fury. He spoke in a calm and collected voice.

“Jessica…” He took a deep breath. “I believe we have had a significant issue with your dealings today.”

I kept a neutral expression.

“What?” I said.

Mr Carrigan became visible and shot me a look that said ‘Shut up if up wanna live.’

“I gave you a quantity of cannabis that you were to sell. For a reasonable price. You however, have lost me $200 cash by you stupid dealings.” Josh’s mouth formed a thin line as his expression cracked.

I remained silent.

Josh continued, “Therefore you either need to repay me the $200 cash or an alternate punishment will need to be arranged.

“I don’t have $200.” I replied stupidly.

“Very well,” Josh smirked. “Aaron would you bring Beau in then.”

Beau Reynolds came into the room with a blindfold on and accompanied by two men. Sweet, caring Beau. He was seated on a chair directly in front of me. His blindfold was removed and he was tied to a chair. Our eyes clashed. I felt horrified. Were they going to do Beau what they did to Samuel?

Beau and I had become pretty close. I could trust him with anything. I couldn’t bare to never see him again. His chocolate brown hair and eyes gone forever. Mr Carrigan reappeared with Mr Bushelle. A fellow science teacher. He had short shaved hair and a built body. He had that typical 'tough guy' look about him. Mr Bushelle took a few steps towards Beau. He reached out and grabbed his leg and before I knew what was happening I heard Beau scream out in excruciating pain.

I stood up so fast I knocked over the chair. I ran towards Mr Bushelle who was now holding onto Beau’s left arm. I grabbed a nearby textbook and tried hitting Mr Bushelle; I narrowly missed and hit Beau’s broken leg. He let out a howl of pain. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I took another swing at Mr Bushelle. The textbook went flying out of my grip into a large oak cabinet. Crash. Various pairs of hands and arms shoved me to the ground. I started thrashing and screaming. I felt a sharp jab in my arm. 

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