Chapter Nine

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I felt instantly sick. The butterflies in my stomach were insane. Although the feeling was far too sinister to be ‘butterflies’. I turned my head to see who it was. Expecting the worst, I was slightly relieved yet slightly annoyed when it was just Jack.

He laughed, “Jessica, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I’m fine.” I muttered.

“I didn’t ask if you were fine,” he snickered.  “Anyway here is your pen.”

“Thanks.” I snapped.

“Jeez, just trying to help.” Jack mumbled as he walked away.

Now that I had remembered I had to meet Mr Carrigan, I was beyond nervous. To add to my worries I realised Mr Carrigan hadn’t even told me where to meet him.  I felt like breaking down. I lent up against the wall and slid down it, letting out a heavy sigh as my backside hit the concrete. Just as I was about to have my mental breakdown I saw Mr Carrigan turn corner. He was walking at a quick pace. His cold eyes met my distressed ones. He smirked.

“Well, well Jess, you look a little stressed this afternoon.”

“It’s Jessica to you, not Jess.” I spat, I hated when teachers called be ‘Jess’, that was reserved for friends, and family only, not arseholes like Aaron Carrigan.

“I apologize, anyway are you ready to see the lab?” he rubbed his hands together; it was a continuous habit of his.

I exhaled,

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“Well, we shall better get a move on than.” He smiled, that revolting crooked smile of his.

As usual, we walked into E1. Then through the ‘Staff Only’ door. I used to wonder where Mr Carrigan went when he walked through this door. Mr Carrigan moved a bookshelf full with textbooks out of the way with so much ease. I was surprised that he was so strong. He must have noticed the shocked expression plastered onto my face because he laughed a little.

“You must think I’m like Superman or something?” he laughed again.

“Not Superman, just really strong.”

“Anyway,” he said dismissively. “There not real books on the shelf, just decoys. Plus the shelfs are made out of lightwood.”

“Oh that explains a lot.” I muttered.

We continued the monotonous trek down too familiar staircase. We turned up in the dim lit room. My stomach clenched, the memories of Samuel, Darcy and Beau. It made me want to curl into a ball and cry. In fact I started to slowly lower myself to the ground when Mr Carrigan grabbed my arm and pulled me back completely upright.

“This way Jessica.” He gestured towards a dingy doorway on the far side of the room.

I gulped and mentally instructed my feet to move.

“Here we are. This is where the magic happens.” Mr Carrigan bragged he had a smile fixed on his face.

I carefully looked at my surroundings. So this was the lab. It was very bright; all the walls were a sterile white. There were many people all wearing white lab coats. It looked like an ordinary science lab. But it wasn’t. Nothing in my life was normal anymore.

“Well do you want to meet some of the masterminds behind the cause?” Mr Carrigan was still smiling.

“No.” I muttered so no one could hear me.

“Well do you?” Mr Carrigan growled.

“Yes.” I lied.

We walked up to a tall boy with red hair; he had on a white lab coat, a hair net and safety glasses. He was obviously a student. Our eyes clashed and a wave of realisation hit me, just as Mr Carrigan introduced us.

“Jessica, meet Logan. He is one of how most advanced scientific minds here.”

Of course Logan Clarke was part of this. Logan was actually relatively new to the school. He was some sort of genius, he knew everything, knew everyone and was extremely arrogant. He really irritated me.

“Hello… Jessica.” He said, clearly surprised that I was part of this business. But what annoyed me most is he didn’t try to hide his astonishment.

“Hi Logan.” I kept my voice and expression neutral.

Mr Carrigan could see the annoyance in my eyes and moved me along before I caused a scene. We walked over to another table where there was a man working on some sort of drug. The first thing I noticed about them was their bushy beard.

Mr Lenard looked up at me. He laughed. Not the cruel laugh that I was used to from most people but a sincere laugh.

“Hello Jessica, so you decided to join the business.”

“Not decided.” I grumbled.

Mr Carrigan pretended not to hear me. I spotted Josh in the corner of the room. We walked over to him.

“Jessica.” Josh smiled and pulled me into a hug.

I stiffened. But decided it would be best if I didn’t make a big deal out of it.

“Aww what’s the matter Jess? Didn’t you want a hug?” his voice was teasing.

“No, not really.” I admitted.

I glanced over at Mr Carrigan. He had his arms crossed over his chest with a plain expression.

“Hey Aaron how’s Logan going with that coke? I feel like it needs to be sampled.” Josh said excitedly.

“I am not sure. I will go and see.” Mr Carrigan said.

As Mr Carrigan walked over towards Logan, Josh lent into my ear and whispered.

“Jessica, I heard a rumour about you.”

I sighed. Josh could act mature at times. But deep down this blonde haired, blue-eyed guy was just another immature teenager.

“What?” I said trying to hide the irritation in my voice.

“I know who you have a crush on…” He sing-songed.

I hesitated. “Who?”

I was genuinely intrigued by this newfound information.

“Well a little birdy told me…”

“Seriously who still say’s a ‘little birdy’ told you?’ I snapped, but then quickly covered mouth with my hand.

Josh laughed, “Me obviously? Anyway do you still want to know about the rumour?”

“Yes” I said too quickly.

“Ok well… before I tell you I need to apologize for the damage I caused your love interest.”


“You're dumber that I thought. Ditsy blonde.”

I ignored his insult.

“Who’s my crush?” I raised my voice.

“Beau Reynolds.  That cripple guy,” He said matter-of-factly.

“How did you even find that out?” I snapped. “I mean no I do not.” I back-tracked. But it was to late. I saw Josh’s smile spread across his soft features.

“So obviously my sources are trustworthy.” Josh giggled.

Wow much indimidation.

“No they're not!” I snapped again.

“Whatever you say Jess.”

Mr Carrigan walked over towards us and our little conversation stopped immediately.

“Josh, the sample is ready.”

“C’mon Jessie.” Josh grabbed my arm and dragged me towards Logan.

I hated when people called me Jessie, it sounded so condescending.

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