Chapter Thirty

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I tried grabbing the knife from her, but she shrugged me off causing me to lose my balance.

But before I could stop her, she dug the knife deep into the lower of her stomach.

She screamed in pain and immediately fell to the ground. Her wrist pouring blood, the deep gashes covering her tiny arm. The knife was still wedged into her torso. Blood oozing from the wound. She just lay their a bloody mess. I layed down next to her and cried, cried and screamed. Unable to function correctly, at all really.  

I did this to her, I knew it was all my fault. I drove her to this, I made her stab the knife into herself. Why couldn't she just have done it to me instead? She is so much more deserving of life then me. But no, hard arse Josh Ryan made her resort to this. Why? Because he is the most selfish prick that ever walked this earth. Why did I even bother attempting to hide the feelings I had for Jess? Try and act like it was all a big act, just a joke. I have completely and utterly fucked up.

I think I fell asleep next to her, I can't remember. Past out, fell asleep or simply just blocked out the entire world? I don't know.

I opened my eyes, they were sore and swollen from the excessive amount of water that had flowed from them. I got up from the ground and almost started crying again as I remembered what had just happened a mere few hours ago. I was terrified to turn around to look at her, to find her body. I clamped my eyes shut and turned my body to where I recall she had fallen. I snapped my eyes open. My mouth dropped as I realised she wasn't even there.

"Jessica!" I screamed, even know I didn't really expect a response.

There was no way she could of gotten up and just walked off. Not in her state anyway. I saw that Darcy's body was also, no where in sight. I settled for the most logical and depressing scenario. Someone, Aaron most likely has come down here expecting to just remove Darcy's body and have been greeted with not just one young lifeless teenage body, but two.

Accepting the truth, I sat down and cried. I had cried way to much in the last few hours but I didn't know what else to do. Honestly I had probarly cried over her more during this time period, then I had anyone else my whole life. I loved Jessica Murray, and even an idiot could figure that out. Jessica definitely knew I loved her, she just didn't believe it.      


I must of drifted off a little. Because I got a little shocked when I was woken by someone practically ripping my arm from my socket.

They yanked me from my spot on the ground into an upright postion. My legs felt wobbly and unsteady at first, but I adjusted okay.

"W-what? Who? What are you doing?" I struggled to make the words form in my brain and travel safely out of my mouth.

"What am I doing? What am I doing! What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck have you done Josh?" A male voice was yelling angrily at me. What have I done now?

I tried to focus my eyes, everything was still hazy from just being awoken.

I saw the red hair first of course, it always stands out.

"Logan?" I squinted, it didn't help this room was so dimly lit.

"Yes its Logan, fuckwit" He snapped. "You have done some pretty fucked up things Josh, believe me. But this, this tops it all."

"What? All I did was make her kill Darcy? I tried to before anyway." What is Logan carrying on about?

"Fuck off Josh, you honestly think you can play dumb with me? You know me well enough to know that me having such a high IQ wouldn't fall for your mind games." Logan let out a short and light chuckle, then immediately returned his angry, stoney expression.

"Why though? Why did you do it Josh?"

"Um, because Darcy was a threat to us? He could of easily ratted us out?" My voice was shakey and unconfident, and that was certainly new to me.

I felt a blow to the left side of my jaw.

"Holy shit, what the fuck Logan?" I said, rubbing the side of my jawline. I didn't know he was the violent type.

"Fine, since your going to be a sarcastic little bastard I'll just cut to it shall I?"

"Yeah that may move things on a little." I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you stab Jessica? Why did you stab her Josh?"

My face twisted into an unreadable expression.

"No." Was the only word that managed to escape my lips.

"Well?" Logan waited for an answer.

"I didn't stab Jess. I didn't"

"Is that so? How do you explain the knife that was impaling her then? I saw her Josh." Logan stared into my eyes, trying to read me.

"I didn't do that to her."

"Don't bullshit me Josh, just because you had your little jealous fit doesn't mean you had to go all psycho on her? So fucken what she kissed the cripple! Build a bridge and get the fuck over it! You don't go on a fucken stab frenzy!"

"I wasn't jealous! I was just angry!"

"Anger is a secondary emotion."

"Shut up Logan! I didn't fucken stab her, she did it to herself. I saw her dive the knife into her body. She killed herself Logan, and it's all my fucking fault!"

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