Chapter Six

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(A/N: Thanks so much for getting this book to over 100 reads. Your reward, a double update. Even though this is just a filler chapter. Follow me @reallyrebecca_ Don't forget to vote. Ily xx.) 

Darcy Jefferson.

I looked at Darcy. He had a beaming smile. White teeth showing. His eyes clearly dazed. I then noticed a miniscule trickle of blood running down his left arm. There was a small pin-prick, obviously where the blood was coming from. He had clearly been drugged; with god knows what. Knowing what Mr Carrigan and Josh were capable of, it was probably pretty strong.

I knew what they wanted me to do; but I didn't know if I couls do it.

I cautiously approached Darcy. Josh placed a small hand on my chest to stop me.

I immediately halted.

“Wait,” he lingered. “Let us have some fun first.” Josh venomously sneered. He swiftly took the hat on top of Darcy’s head and slashed it in a quick, flowing movement of his hand. Darcy’s lip trembled. Darcy loved his precious hats, like an owner would love a dog. He began to cry. Long, drawn out howls. Josh’s eyes snapped to attention. He placed the knife in my hand and left the room along with Mr Carrigan. Darcy was still sobbing. I continued to close the gap between Darcy and I. I was inches away form his face, knife in my hand, when he began to speak.

“Jessica, please.” He had a sincere pleading look deep in his eyes.

“I have to Darcy, I have to…” I said, stone cold.

Darcy’s drugs must have been wearing out.

“No. No. No.” Darcy’s sobs increased to hysteria.

I raised my knife just near his jugular. I couldn’t show mercy. It was his life, or mine.

All of a sudden Darcy moved and my hand slipped. The knife deeply cut his shoulder. Blood pouring out of his gaping laceration. I panicked. Darcy took the opportunity very well. He took a powerful swing at my jaw. As I hit the ground, I saw Darcy making an exit; just as Josh and Mr Carrigan entered the room.

Mr Carrigan dragged me up off the ground and proceeded to forcefully shove me up the endless stairs. They sprinted to catch Darcy. Mr Carrigan pulled out a small handgun and aimed towards a staggering Darcy. The bullet missed Darcy by mere inches. Darcy then started to speed up and soon vanished from our sights. I looked across to see Josh’s reaction to the recent unfolding. His mouth was in a tight line, colour drained from his lips. His eyes filled with pure rage. Mr Carrigan’s expression was unrecognizable. Empty. The fear for my life built up inside me. As I continued to study the anger in them both, I hadn’t noticed that Josh's attention was now focused on myself. I gazed up at him. He silently stood there, barely breathing. Before I knew what was happening Josh stormed towards me. He grabbed my collared shirt and pulled me up so I was looking him in the eyes.

“You fucking moron!” He screamed in my face.

I flinched.

He then threw me as hard as he could down the stairs. I screamed out in pain and fear. I tumbled for what seemed like minutes until I finally stopped. Completely disorientated I crawled down the rest of the stairs.

What had happened to Darcy? Had he lived? I noticed my vision was becoming really fuzzy. My head was throbbing like crazy. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. It was covered in red, sticky blood. I stopped to try to cover my head wound. But Mr Carrigan was far from impressed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” He screamed at me. “The little fuckhead is going to tell the pigs about the business now? We are going to go to fucken jail for life you little cunt!” His gruff voice bellowed. A teacher had never cussed me out before. I was fuming inside.

“I didn’t want to join your scumy little business dickhead! You fucking forced me into it!” I shrieked at Mr Carrigan.

Mr Carrigan just stood there; breathing heavily. His expression darkening by the second. He kicked out his leg in fustration; his foot connecting with ny ribcage with excruciating force. I doubled over in agony as I let out a small whimper. Black and blue spots came in front of my eyes. I felt extremely dizzy. My wound was gushing blood. I struggled to breathe. Darkness came over me, my eyes were open but I was blind. I couldn't see anything. I closed my eyes, and all my pain started to dull.

Who knew dying would be so easy?    

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