Chapter Four

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I immediately felt calmer. I started to feel dizzy, like the world was spinning around and around. I looked up and saw people standing around me. I only vaguely recognised them. It was Mr Carrigan my science teacher. And Josh! And Mr Bushelle. Why were they all around though? I was befuzzled. Mr Carrigan’s mouth began to move extremely slowly.

I giggled feverishly. He wasn’t making any sense! Or maybe it was my brain? I giggled again. I slowly once overed the room. Everything was so bright and funny. I burst into laughter. I looked over at the fallen cabinet. I tried to stand up and help the poor cabinet up but was left confused as I ended up back on the ground. The room around me was warped and my brain was struggling to make sense of the whole thing.

Ok. So the sonofabitches drugged me. I was off my head for hours after my aggressive outburst. They said it was the ‘safest’ way to calm me. I didn’t know what had taken place while I was tripping.

I came back around with a killer headache. Where on Earth was I? I scoped the small well-lit room. I was in sickbay. I checked my phone. It was 3:05. It was nearly home time. I gathered my bag and attempted to stand up. I had pins and needles running up my leg. Then a wave of realization hit me. Beau. Was he okay? Was he even alive? I felt guilty that I couldn’t see if he was still…uh alive. But if I missed my bus I’d be the dead one. Mum would quite literally kill me.

When I got home I decided to go on facebook. I scrolled through my newsfeed; it was all the same boring, stupid shit.

But then I found what I had been searching for, a status about Beau.

‘Beau is recovering in hospital after an unfortunate accident.’

Unfortunate accident? There was no accident. I know it, Beau knows it.

I logged out and came to terms with extent of my position in life now.

I, Jessica Murray am a drug dealer. I must not let my emotions show anymore. I cannot afford for anyone else to get hurt. I need to grow up and take it on the chin.

The next day at assembly I still had a pretty piercing headache. The deputy principal informed the school that a student with a wheelchair would be re-occupying the school. I had too much on my mind to even spare a thought about it.

The day was so far uneventful. No one was killed in front of me. Didn’t need to sell any drugs. A small part of my brain wished something would happen. I got angry with myself for thinking something so horrid and then quickly pushed it out of my mind.

At lunch Jack came to sit with us. He looked like he needed to say something. Most likely one of his gossip stories. He was in a very positive mood, having a fucking jolly good time. I scowled at him. I envied his happiness. He evidently noticed my anger, so he offered me some of the popcorn he was eating. I threw it back in his smug little face. He stared at me for a second then laughed.

“What’s wrong with you? You always want popcorn?” He attempted sad puppy dog eyes.

“I’m not hungry.” I said flatly. This however, was far form the truth. I hadn’t eaten in a fair few day’s due to the enormous amount of stress I’ve been under.

“Oh…I get it,” He smiled. “Your time of the month?”

Tiarna shot him a look and said. “Jack shut the fuck up fuckface.”

“That’s not niceee.” Jack sing-songed.

“Uhhh sorry…Um your skin looks radiant this afternoon…” Tiarna was trying to be a 'nicer' person.

I sat there, one hundred percent unamused. Looking down at my Target brand shoes, pretending I was interested.

Jack tried to start a conversation.

“So…” He faltered. “Have you heard what happened to Beau Reynolds?”

My head immediately jerked up to face Jack. He noticed and smiled wryly.

Tia spoke, her high soft voice filled with worry. “No what happened to him?”

I knew she liked him.

“He’s broken both his legs. Some accident at school.” Jack replied.

I tried to think back to yesterday but my memories were all jumbled. I was pretty sure he had only broken one leg. Then I remembered. The cabinet.

“Is he ever coming back to school?” Emily enquired.

I’m not actually sure. I’ve heard he is now a paraplegic.”

Something in my mind snapped like a twig. I stood up. Grabbed my bag. I then extended my leg backward and with full force, kicked Jack in the face. I didn’t believe him! No…Beau was absolutely fine! He was going to walk again. I ran out to the front gates then checked my timetable. Double science. Ha no way.           

I wagged till home time. Got on my bus. Put my earphones in. Volume up. Fuck the damn world.

Tia texted me when I was home: Jessica what is with you lately? You’re so angry. Actually I think you need to sort your shit out or don’t bother speaking to me again. Jack is in hospital with possible concussion! He didn’t deserve that.

She was completely right. Jack didn’t deserve anything. I was just taking days of utter frustration out on him. I should apologize…or maybe I just don’t have the energy.

*Text Message Deleted*

Beep. I checked my phone. Tiarna had messaged me on Facebook: Jess, are you all right? You’re acting like a literal psycho. If you try what you did to Jack on me. Farrrk…You’ll regret it!

Then I had a voice mail from Emily:

‘Good Work. Jack’s going to die.’ She said in a sarcastic tone.

Great hated by all. This was just another day in the new life of Jessica Murray.

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