Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: Wow over 100 reads in less then a day! Thanks so much for your support.)

“What about?” Josh's voice was cold.

“Well-” I hesitated. I didn’t know how to approach the subject.

“Spit it out. I don't have time for this Jessica.” Josh snapped.

“I am really sorry about yesterday.” I lowered my eyes.

“Ok then.” Josh said and then faced his back to me.

“Wait.” I grabbed Josh’s shoulder, forcing him to turn back around.

“What.” He heaved.

“Logan told me something yesterday.”

“What?” he repeated, I could see the anger rising to his face.

“He… he told me why I’m part of all this.”

“Did he now? What the fuck did he tell you?” He raised his voice.

“Well, he said the only reason that I am part of all this is because you are… how did he put it ‘fond’ of me.”

Josh blushed then spoke sharply due to the embarrassment.

“No that’s is not the sole reason that I hired you…”

I interrupted him. “You don’t pay me, so I don’t think it is classified as hiring.”

“Shut up.” He barked. “As I was saying… I ‘hired’ you because I think your pretty smart, and Mr Carrigan also believed you would be good for the business.”

“You said it wasn’t the ‘sole’ reason. So does that mean it’s still a reason?” I questioned.

“Of course it is can’t you tell?” he said characteristically rudely.

“Oh.” Is all I could manage to say.

Josh ran his hand through his hair, causing bits to stick up.

“I’m sorry.” He surprised me with his random apology.

“For what?” I asked stupidly; although they were many, many things he should be sorry for.

“For this.” Josh said as he lent into me, pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was short and urgent on both parts.

“Don’t be sorry.” I whispered.

Josh’s eyes retained that signature sparkle.



“I need to ask you something. I don’t have anything to lose.”

“What is it Josh?” I asked, even know I was pretty sure the outcome would be.

“Jess, I want to be with you. I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?”

I had to think fast. I didn’t know what to say. 

“Yes.” the word slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. Instant regret seeping its way into my subconscious.

“Really?” He questioned.

“I guess so.” I still wasn’t sure if I was making the right decision here.

“Thank you.” He whispered as he lent in to me again. Lightly kissing me on the forehead. I shuddered slightly, but just brushed it off as being cold when Josh asked.

“We have history. Let’s go?” Josh said his tone was the softest I had ever heard form him. He reached out his hand to me. I looked down; he was obviously expecting me to hold it.

“I-I don’t think we should let people know just yet…” I nervously said. Thinking about Beau's reaction.

“Sure Jessie.” He said as he gave me a hug.

“I don’t like to be called Jessie.” I said.

“Ok babe.” Josh said as he hugged me.

I cringed internally, but didn't say anything.

“C’mon we are 10 minutes late.” Josh persisted. We walked up the stairs and towards our history class. With each step closer I grew even more nervous. What was Beau going to do when he found out? Why did I still care what he thought? I miss him. I miss the way we use to be.

Josh insisted that we walk to class together; he didn’t care what anyone thought. The door was in my sights. We walked in together. Twenty-five pairs of eyes focused on us. Most of them confusion, some of them concerned obviously thinking we were a teacher or some shit. But one pair of eyes stood out from the rest. Beau’s eyes had emotion I had never seen. The best way to describe it was a mixture of disgust and hurt. Betrayal? I hadn’t betrayed him. He was only my friend. We were just friends. That's what he said to be all those months ago anyway. Nothing more, nothing less.

My thoughts were interrupted by the croaky voice of our history teacher.

“Mr Ryan and Miss Murray why are you 12 minutes late to class.”

“Yeah Josh why are you late?” I heard a voice say, which was accompanied my a wolf-whistle

Josh made a rude gesture with his middle finger than with his fakest smile, turned to the teacher.

“We had to see Mr Carrigan, our science teacher.”

Of course he used Mr Carrigan as an alibi, this better work, I am not in the mood for detention.

“Is this right Miss Murray?”

“Yes of course Miss.” I said the sweetest voice I could muster.

“Did you get a pass off Mr Carrigan?”

“No, sorry Miss. You can ask him if you like.” Josh interjected.

“I will do this right now actually.” She was obviously unconvinced by our lie. Mr Carrigan better pull through. “Go sit own and start coping the notes off the board.”

There were only a few vacant seata left in the classroom.

I sat down next to Jack. Josh sat next to...

You've got to be kidding me. Josh sat next to Beau!

I felt anger bubble up inside me. What was Josh planning to do? I didn’t want to think about it. I shifted my body so I was facing Jack.

“Hi.” I said weakly.

“Hey Jessica. So what’s the real deal with you and Josh?”

“Nothing, we were helping Mr Carrigan with... uh textbooks.”

“Sure, sure.”

Why does no one believe my lies? Am i really that unconvincing?

I focused my energy listening to Beau and Josh’s conversation.

“So Beau. How you been?”

“Great.” Beau snapped.

“Hey man, I’m sorry about hugging Jess the other day. It's not personal.”

“I don’t care.” Beau spat.

“Ok mate. Can I tell you a secret?” Josh said.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Fuck.

Josh lent into Beau and whispered something into his ear. Beau’s expression hardened. In less than 10 seconds he had packed all his books and pens up.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry? I just told you my great news!” Josh jeered.

Beau looked Josh straight in the eyes. Beau’s arm extended and hit Josh in the mouth. His knuckles were busted. He quickly wheeled off out of the room. Leaving a bleeding Josh covering his busted lip, cursing.

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