Chapter Twelve

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(A/N: Hey there, 300+ reads that means a double update)

I quickly scurried into Math. Lucky for me Mr Swamp didn’t ask me why I was late. I still didn’t feel comfortable sitting with Tia so I made my way towards where Darcy and Samuel used to sit. I don't know what ended up of Darcy. I had heard rumors he went to live in Glenthorpe with his dad. How much truth they held, I wasn't sure. I just had a gut feeling that wasn't the last I had seen of him.

On the bus ride home I got to thinking  and tried to put my life in perspective. I was unhappy; miserable. I was falling behind in classes and pretty much had no friends. I had just kissed the boy that ruined my life. And I had no idea why I'd done it. Josh liked me, but I liked someone else. If I was to be with Josh maybe I could leave the business, but I’d still be with someone I had no feelings for. Well as Scarlett O’Hara would say: I won’t think about that today, I’ll think about it tomorrow.

When I got home I felt the need to do absolutely nothing. I decided to watch something, so that my mind was too occupied to think about anything. After I got something to eat, I decided to watch Breaking Bad. The irony of the choice was almost funny. I watched the half of Season 1 and then went straight to bed. I think I drifted off to sleep because at about 8:30 I was woken up by my mother’s voice.

“Jess.” She yelled from the kitchen.

I ignored her and pulled a pillow over my head. I heard her footsteps and groaned. She turned my bedroom light on and yelled again.

“Jess! Come and eat you dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.” I whined.

“Too bad.” She left the room.

I padded out to the dining room. There was a pile of food on my plate. It was too much. It made my stomach churn. I plonked down on my seat and continued to eye the food. Roast pork with vegetables. I hadn’t had an appetite for numerous days now. I hesitantly picked up my fork, and slowly placed a piece of pumpkin in my mouth to chew. I kept eating until all my pumpkin was gone, half my beans and 3 pieces of meat were eaten. I didn’t touch the potato or Brussels sprouts.

“I'm full.” Which wasn’t lying, because I wasn’t hungry in the first place.

“Whatever, put your scrapes in the dog bowl.” She said annoyance was traced in her voice.

I did as I was told and then hurried back to my room. I lay down on my bed and pulled the covers over my chest.

I awoke too the sound of my alarm. I hopped out of bed and went to the fridge. I grabbed an apple popper and made myself a piece of vegemite toast. I picked at the food. I was nervous about today. Nervous and confused.

The bus ride to school added to my nerves. The suspense of what was to come was breaking me down slightly. I had everything planned. Everything I needed to say carefully planned. I just hoped I would remember it.

I got off the bus. I spotted Beau. My insides churned as our gaze met. I quickly strode over towards him.

“Hi.” My voice was small.

“Hello, what do you want?” he said brusquely.

“I just want to talk.”

“About what?”

“You know what.” I squeaked.

“Well as it turns out I don’t want to talk about it.” he began to move away.

“Beau-” I began.

Beau raised his hand to halt me talking.

“What is there to talk about? You hugging Josh? I don’t care.” Beau’s voice cracked as he spoke.

“I’m sorry.”

“Wow, you just love saying sorry don’t you? You think it solves everything?”

“But I am sorry, I swear it.”

“Sorry that you hugged him? Or sorry that you got caught?”

With those words I let him leave. I had always feared those words.

My thoughts were jumbled. I hadn’t answered Beau’s last question. Was I only sorry that I got caught? No, I couldn’t be. Could I? I didn’t even want to hug Josh. I felt the familiar dark cloud over me as I walked into the heart of the school. I was now sure I had completely lost Beau. I had to just get over it.

“I just have to let it go.” I mumbled to myself. Just as Jack walked up to me.

“Let it go.” He sang the words.

“Have you watched Frozen lately?” I joked. Wow I joked.

“Yes, in fact I have. You speak to your self really loudly.”

I sighed.

“You look depressed?” Jack said.

“Well I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Is it about Beau? He looked just as sad as you did. He just walked away from here.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I brushed Jack off. 

“Ok bye I have to go to Multimedia.”

“Bye then.”

The first two lessons were a blur. I recited my plan over and over again. Finally the bell rang and I set out to find Josh. I quickly walked around the school, scanning for Josh. I checked the canteen; looked at his group and asked around a bit. After about 15 minutes I still hadn’t found him. Then a thought set into my brain. Maybe he was down at the lab? I walked as fast as my short legs would allow. My blonde air waving across my back with each step I took. I reached E1 and the door was unlocked. I pushed the door open finding no one inside. I scurried towards the Staff Only room. I moved the bookcase and ran down the stairs. Finally as I reached the bottom of the stairs I found Josh. I was in the dim lit room. I walked towards him. He turned around, a look of surprise registered on his face. He had a needle in his hand, half filled of an unknown substance. What did I expect?

“Josh we need to talk.”

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