Chapter 7: Regimes Fall Everyday

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Jackie POV:

I leaned on a rail of the bridge with Steve behind me as I remembered the spar matches that Dad and I would get into.

A younger version of me was pinned again by a man. "Kulungile, uyaphumelela! Kwakhona." (Okay, you win! Again.) The girl grumbled. The man chuckled and offered her his hand.

"Kuthathe ixesha elide oku. Ngaphandle koko, ubethe abanye. Ndinguye kuphela onokukubetha." (It took longer this time though. Besides, you beat the others. I have become the only one who can beat you.) He told her.

"Imizuzu elishumi elinesihlanu. Imizuzu elishumi elinesihlanu Tata! Ndiyakwazi ukumelana nawe imizuzu elishumi elinesihlanu kuphela! Kwaye babehamba lula kum." (Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes Dad! I can only withstand you for fifteen minutes! And they were going easy on me.) She said, creating an ice ball to put on her black eye.

"Assez, pratiquons votre français." (Enough, let's practice your French.)

"Je parle couramment le français papa. Je parle couramment toutes les langues que le chaos a pris la peine de m'apprendre et plus encore. Je n'ai que des problèmes avec mes combats. C'est pourquoi je te drogue du lit si tôt le matin." (I'm fluent in French Dad. I'm fluent in all of the languages CHAOS have bothered to teach me and then some. I'm only having problems with my fighting. That's why I drug you out of bed this early in the morning.) She paused to melt and absorbe the ice ball, "Alors, battons-nous." (So, let's fight.)

"О, моя дорогая, немного решительная Зима." (Oh, my dear little determined Winter.) He said, leading her to the mats.

"Я не маленький папочка!" (I'm not little Dad!) She barked.

"Хватит болтать, хочешь научиться лучше драться, тогда давай спарринги." (Enough talk, you want to learn how to fight better, then let's spar.) He said, getting into battle position. That spar was the first time that I beat my dad. One year later, I was rescued by SHIELD. Dad had helped me escape a HYDRA building that had exploded due to a failed experiment on my younger sisters that we had been at. He told me not to move and ran off. Fury later found me, and I began my life with SHIELD.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sam when he walked up, "He's gonna be there, you know?" Sam told us.

"I know." Steve said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop."

"I don't know if I can do that."

"Well, he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you."

This time I responded, "He will. Gear up, it's time." Steve and I turned and started to walk off.

"You gonna wear that?" Sam called.

"No. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." Steve called back. I raised an eyebrow, "Please don't tell me you are going to do what I think you're going to do?" Steve grinned like a little kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar, "No, we're going to do that." I stop turn to face him. "Your borderline crazy." I walk off, knowing that I'll cave.


A Tech opens the door to see us four, Steve, Sam, Hill, and me on the other side of the door. Sam and Hill point their guns at him. I smile sweetly, "Excuse us." The tech holds his hands up and steps aside to let them enter. I prep the microphone so that everyone in the building can Steve when he makes his speech. "I still can't believe you let Cap talk you into stealing his old uniform." Sam tells me while I turn on the computer and hack into it.

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