Prologue: Really Clint?

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Jackie's POV:

I guided the quinjet down to a clearing. Clint was on a mission to take down a level 10 assassin threat. Her name was Black Widow. She had probably been trained in the Red Room to become that high level of threat. I remember going to the Red Room vaguely. My dad would train the Black Widow Level group there. The Black Widow group was the highest level there was in the Red Room.

I would sometimes help him by sparring with the new transfers. Yes, when I was a kid and they were teenagers/young adults. I was a strong girl because of the Super Soldier Serum from my dad and my Powers. HYDRA had experimented on me. That gave me my ability to control ice and fire as well as turn into a black, red, and white-winged wolf.

I had admitted, I was worried when I found out about Clint going on this mission. When he contacted me that he was ready at the extraction point, I was extremely relieved. Sure Clint and I hardly ever saw eye-to-eye, but we worked well together on missions. I guess you could say that we hated each other so much we couldn't stand being apart from each other.

The quinjet landed safely and I lowered the ramp. I could instantly tell that something was wrong. I saw an abandoned shack that was close by. I made my way over there shaking my head. "Come on Clint! I don't have all day!" Something smashing following by grunts and screams coming from inside the shack was what I got in response. I ran over there and kicked the door open. The sight I was met with was quite confusing. The Black Widow was on top of Clint slowly choking him.

I hit her hard enough on a pressure point so that she was out cold. I handcuffed her to two separate beams, separating her hands. If her hands were close enough together, she could get them off. I'm guessing that's what happened with Clint. After I made sure that the Black Widow was secure, I turned and helped Clint off the ground. As soon as he was steady, I punched him square in the jaw, making him stumble back to the wall. "What the hell was that for Jackie?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. Did he seriously just ask that?

"Clint, what part kill do you not understand?!"


I raised both eyebrows now. "Sorry? Your sorry that you disobeyed direct orders to eliminate the Black Widow? If I got here 2 minutes later, you would've been dead. DEAD, Clint, DEAD!"

Clint sat down on the table, rubbing the back of his neck grinning sheepishly. I sighed and got the first aid kit out and started cleaning his cuts. He winced when I dabbed alcohol on a cut below his eye. "Sorry," I mumbled. After I finished I took a step back to get a better view of Clint. He looked extremely tired. A bruise was beginning to form where I punched him. "Looks like we'll be staying the night here. I'll go get the gear from the quinjet and secure it." I turned to leave when Clint grabbed my wrist. "You aren't mad at me?" He asked, struggling to hold eye contact with me. I searched his eyes to find out what he was really meaning to ask me. He had the same look in them that I saw many times in training. They had fear with little hints of him begging for my approval.

Clint hadn't told me much about his childhood, but the little I did know wasn't good. His dad abused him and his older brother, Barney. If Clint would speak or even hold eye contact with him for too long he would beat him. Sometimes Clint still had problems with the nightmares and some other issues. After his dad and mom died in a car crash, the two brothers eventually joined the circus. Somehow Fury had found out about Clint and offered him a job with SHIELD. When I was his Senior Officer, the agent in charge of their training, I had to help him with his nightmares, and I still did when he had them.

I didn't know why, but no matter how much we teased each other, no matter how hard I was on him sometimes, he still seemed to seek my approval with everything he did. I took both of his hands in one of mine and lifted his chin forcing him to look me in the eye. When he finally did, I smiled.

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