Chapter 31: Final Battle

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Third Person POV (Following Jackie/Shadow):

Crawling through the wreckage, Jackie growled as she saw Thanos winning a fight against Cap, Tony, and Thor. Turning into Shadow, the black wolf bounded towards him and grabbed his blade as he tried to swing it. Growling, Shadow ripped the blade out of his grasp and reared up before slamming it into the ground. Thanos's eyes widened slightly before he motioned towards his ship. Seeing thousands of aliens descend from the ship, Shadow growled and bounded towards Cap, skidding to a stop behind him. Cap slowly got up from the ground, looking at the mega wolf as he narrowed his eyes at the enemy.

"Cap, cap, do you hear me?" Sam's voice came over Cap's comms. Perking his ears, Shadow tilted his head in confusion. "On your left." Cap and Shadow turned to see T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye, fully formed. Looking up, Shadow growled as Sam flew around him. He didn't like birds, and Sam in his falcon suit looked very much like one.

Millions of portals opened up around them, reinforcements pouring through. Shadow scoffed and turned to face Thanos and his army, sitting down while in amusement. Shadow knew that the battle was already won, and kneeled down lower so flying aircraft wouldn't have to dodge a big wolf. Standing up and getting ready to leap towards the opposing army, Shadow was surrounded by Jackie's closest friends: Thor, Cap, and Tony.

As soon as the whispered 'assemble' part of 'Avengers' was muttered by Cap, Shadow leaped foreword, leading the charge towards the army. Grabbing one of the Chitauri Leviathan's by their mouth, he threw himself back, successfully wiping out several of the enemies along with the army ship. This battle carried on for a while before Shadow became exhausted, turning into Jackie. Because of the 'separated' bodies, Shadow and Jackie's tiredness didn't affect the other.

Stabbing one of the opposing aliens in the heart, she ran her hand through her hair and growled in frustration. "After this, I'm shaving my head." She huffed, grabbing the comm unit from her uniform pocket and fitting it into her ear. "You guys reading me?"

"Jackie? Where the hell have you been?" Sam's voice came through.

"Remember the big black wolf, that's Shadow now." Jackie chuckled while taking on a hoard of Chitauri. "It's been 8 years, Sam, things have changed." She smirked at the sound of annoyed groans and amused chuckles. Jumping over the wreckage of what she assumed was once the game room, Jackie tossed a grenade over her shoulder, it exploding a group of aliens. "Why didn't we just use grenades in NYC? It would've been so much easier."

"Because not everyone can handle explosives like you and Tony." Cap answered, catching sight of her jumping onto an outrider's back. "And are you doing what I think I'm seeing?"

"Depends on what you're seeing." Jackie smirked, rigging another explosive charge and backflipping off the outrider's back as it exploded, taking several of its kind with it.

"Do you always talk this much?" Stephen asked.

"It's called multitasking." Jackie hummed, releasing an explosive arrow before falling silent. Spotting Bucky, she ran towards where he was crouching and growled at a Chitauri warrior, who wisely left. "Hey Dad." She smiled, tossing a machine gun she had picked up on the way to him. Bucky nodded appreciatively, glancing towards the mob of warriors coming towards them. Both nodding to each other, they sprinted into the group, stabbing, shooting, and effectively elimiting them.

"You know, I'm really glad that we didn't have to fight both Jackie and Bucky. That would've been impossible." Sam commented to Cap after seeing the father and daughter part with a smile and nod. Cap raised a questioning brow and Sam nodded to the remains of the group that they had just decimated. Cap nodded slowly, turning to fight another group.

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