Chapter 23: Family Reunion

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Jackie POV:

It had been over a week and the hospital had yet to release me. Apparently, the hospital staff agreed with my team, saying that I needed to process the fact that I had lost a baby. What they didn't get was that I had already processed it, dealt with it, and moved on. I couldn't get them to leave me alone, hell, they had even brought a therapist to the room. I had almost turned into Shadow when she started asking me questions. Nick had quickly escorted her away from my room. I had been figuring out the place where I would've shot from if I the assassin who shot me when someone entered the room.

"If you're here to tell me that I need to focus on healing and processing the death of the baby, leave or else I'll turn into Shadow and tear you apart." I growled, my eyes closed.

"Actually, I'm here to get you out." Nick said, making me open my eyes and move to where I was sitting.

"You have my things?" I asked, raising a brow. Nick smiled and lifted up a familiar black duffle bag. I smiled widely, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and pushing the hospital tray out of my way. I went over to the bag and pulled out an outfit, walking over to the bathroom to get changed.

"I already checked the bag and everything in it for bugs and trackers, it's clear." Nick informed me as I got dressed, speaking loud enough so I could hear him and quiet enough that the outside ears couldn't. "I found this while looking at the shooting site. It's Soviet-made, zero markings, and no scratch marks. It's all I could find, but you can have a look at the scene. There's about $5000 here, along with your reserve weapons. I couldn't get your main ones without raising suspicion."

"These are fine." I assured, walking out of the bathroom as I put on my fingerless gloves. "Will it pass airport expectation for carry-ons?"

"Yup." He answered, handing me the bag of bullets he had. "I'm going to leave after you do so that I can claim that you were still here. There's a truck downstairs for you. Grey Silverado." Nick said, handing me some keys.

"Thank you." I said, smiling gratefully.

"Just catch the son of bitch who shot you." Nick ordered, bringing me into a hug. "Barnes was sighted in Paris, France." He whispered to me, smiling encouragingly after he pulled away. I nodded my thanks and ducked out of the window, using a rope to descend the two-story building. Leaving the rope for Nick to pull up, I spotted the Grey Silverado, got into the driver's, and put my duffle bag in the passenger seat. Turning the truck on, I pulled out of the hospital parking lot and started driving to the ranch-house so I could check the place out.

After an hour's drive, I pulled into a clearing about a mile away from the house. I got out and whistled, then started the task of waiting for Simba and Kion to show up. It didn't take long for the two playful cougars to come bounding to me, crashing into me as they attacked me with affection. "Hey, guys!" I greeted, playing around with them for a bit before standing. "Alright boys, show me what you found." They trotted off with me trailing them until we reached a ridge.

From here, I could see the entire place and it was easy to remain hidden from the people below. I started searching for signs of someone being up here, and found a place where the dirt was gone. This was where the blanket had been laid out, and when they left, they didn't take the time to dust the dirt back onto the rockface. I mentally thanked God for keeping this here until I woke up and could come up here. After an hour of searching, I stopped and carefully made my way down the mountainside, waiting for Diablo, Raven, and Silver to catch my scent so I could say good-bye to them.

When they did come, they came at a gallop, all three sliding to a stop. I took my time, stroking their muzzles and whispering reassurances to them. After telling Kion and Simba to keep an eye on Clint and the others, I hiked back to the truck, pulling out of the clearing and onto the road. 4 hours later, I was in the Denver Airport, waiting for my plane. An hour after that, I was on my way to Paris, France. As I got settled in my seat, I couldn't help but remember the last time I had gone to Paris. It was with Clint, and we had confessed our love to each other in Paris. Yes, Paris held many happy memories for us together, but with just me, it was saddening. Pushing those thoughts away, I leaned against the seat and worked on getting some sleep.

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