Chapter 24: Losing Control

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Jackie POV:

        Adjusting the fake glasses on my face, I snorted as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. "This is ridiculous." I complained, taking them off and tossing them on the bed.

"Well, just what do you want to do?" Dad asked, looking up from the journal where he was writing. "You're the one that bought them."

"I know." I groaned, falling onto the bed. Even at 40 years old, I was acting like a teenager. "When's the meeting again?"

"In three hours." Dad answered, closing his journal and putting it in his backpack. "Are you going like that or are you going to use that hair bleach and dye that you bought?"

"I actually bought the hair stuff for you. Thought you'd like the change." I admitted, raising my eyebrows at his glare. "Or maybe not. How do you think blond will look on me?" Dad rolled his eyes, knowing that I would still do what I want despite what he said. "Oh, giving me the silent treatment, huh?" I asked, feigning hurt. He didn't answer and I shrugged, going to the kitchen sink, not wanting to go into the bathroom for absolutely no reason. "Think I'm going to bleach the ends then dye it Copper." I mused, narrowing my eyes in thought.

"Do you even know how to dye your hair?" Dad called.

"Yup." I said, popping the p. "And don't ask why. It's not a fun story."

"You mean it's not a fun story for you. I'm sure I'd be delighted to hear it." Dad corrected, smirking at the glare I sent his way. "And why are you doing it in here?" I shrugged, not really having an answer. "These guys are dangerous. Are you sure that you want to go alone?"

"Your daughter is one of the most dangerous assassins in the world." I reminded. "Besides, I've fought aliens, a mind-controlled psychotic god, killing robots with a twisted way to save the world, and that's just in the past four years. Believe me, these guys will be easy."

"I still think I should go." Dad sighed.

"Dad, I'll be fine." I stated, glancing at him. "Don't worry, you're not going to lose me that easily." I said gently, knowing that the fact I may not come back was the real reason he was so concerned. "If things start to go south, Shadow will get me out of there. Now, onto the next part of business. Since I don't like the glasses, should I wear colored contacts?"

"Wear a copper tint." He suggested. "It'll be brought out by your hair."

"Not going to question why I have colored contacts?" I joked.

"Like you said, you're an accomplished spy and Avenger." Dad repeated. "Anything you say shouldn't be that big of a surprise."

"Am I still an Avenger though?" I questioned, waiting for the bleach to finish. "I did bail."

"Because they were pushing you." Dad stated, raising a brow as I snapped my head toward him. "What?"

"I never told you why I left." I said, furrowing my brows. "How'd you know?"

"You haven't changed that much." Dad deadpanned. "You've always hated someone telling you to do something that went against your morals. That's part of the reason I let you be found. Even brainwashed, I knew that you wouldn't be safe at HYDRA."

"Don't blame yourself for Mom, Ashton, and Lily." I chided. "They weren't your fault, they were HYDRA's, which part of the reason we're hunting them down."

"There's someone else coming with you, isn't there? And you don't want them to know that you're with me." Dad stated more than asked, picking up on my tone. "Who?"

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