Chapter 35: Why oh Why

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Jackie POV:

        "I don't see why you have to leave!" Clint complained, his arms crossed and pouting like a toddler not getting their way. Okay, maybe in a way he was a toddler not getting his way.

"I need to support Sam." I replied.

"You don't even agree his decision!" Clint reasoned.

"But I do respect it." I retorted, sending him a firm look. "Besides, I need to check up on Dad. He hasn't been answering my phone calls."

"He's a grown man Winter, he can take care of himself." Clint sighed. Ever since the US government had released Dad of all charges with the single requirement of him going to therapy, I admit I had been worried. Maybe too worried. And it was affecting my life, which in turn affected Clint's. I was sorry about the frustration that was pouring into his life because of my determination to do everything by myself but...

"I am well aware of that Clint." I snapped, turning around and leaving the room.

...I was too stubborn to admit that I needed some help out loud.

"Winter!" Clint yelled, following me. "Will you stop and let me talk to you? Please!"

"I need to get going, or I'm going to be late for my flight." I stated, grabbing my phone off of the kitchen bar and stuffing it in my back pocket.

"Nice try." Clint rolled his eyes, grabbing my arm and spinning me around. "I know that it's Tony's plane and that Happy's the one flying. You can't be late for the flight. And the ceremony is tomorrow, so you can stop and talk to me."


"Don't make any more excuses." Clint warned.

"-let me go." I ordered, clenching my fist.

"Not happening Winter." Clint shook his head. I rolled my eyes before twisting my arm out of his grip, only for him to grab my waist. "Winter, you have got to stop running away from your problems.!"

"I'm not running away!" I growled. I was totally running away.

"Yes, you are." Clint retorted. "Everytime something about emotions comes up, you run away!"

"I'm don't have time for this." I snarled, ripping myself from his grip and leaving the house. Getting into my jeep, I sped off to the nearest airfield, not wanting another argument with Clint.

"Tough goodbye?" Happy chuckled, spotting my guilty look and mistaking for reluctance to leave Clint.

"Tough day." I corrected, tossing my duffle bag into a seat. Happy didn't respond but instead went into the cockpit. I guess you get used to getting blown off when your boss is Tony Stark himself. I settled into a seat and was just getting comfortable when my phone pinged. Opening up the text messages, I sighed as I looked at the one word Clint had me.


*****(Next Day)*****

Arms crossed, I was standing between Rhodey and the aisle, listening to the speech Sam had begun. "Steve represented the best in all of us." Sam started. Of course, everything that he was going to say was going to add to Steve's already tremendous reputation. See: that's a difference between him and me. I would've told every embarrassing moment Steve had ever gone through, and then called Ed and Nat to do the same. And Clint. Stop. I hadn't responded to Clint's text, choosing to ignore the argument we had had.

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