Chapter 37: White Wolf

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Jackie POV:

"So what's our plan?" Dad asked, tossing a comm unit to me. Fitting it inside my ear, I moved slightly so Dad could sit back down. At Sam's silence, Dad rolled his eyes. "Great, so no plan."

"30 seconds!" Torres called.

"Enjoy your ride Buck." Sam stated.

"No, you can't call me that." Dad shook his head.

"Why not? That's what Steve called you." Sam reasoned.

"Steve knew me longer and Steve had a plan." Dad retorted.

"15 seconds to drop!" Torres interrupted.

"I have a plan." Sam said as he walked to the open door.

"Really?" Dad exclaimed, standing. "What is it?" But instead of answering, Sam fitted on his goggles and jumped out of the door, leaving Dad to turn around and look at me with a 'really' face. "Great. Where are the chutes?"

"We're two hundred feet, it's too low." Torres informed.

"I don't need it anyway." Dad sighed, walking over to the door.

"You sure about that?" Torres asked, glancing between me and him.

"Yeah." Dad nervously smiled, looking at me. "I'm guessing you'll find your way down?"

"Mhmm." I hummed, crossing my arms to keep from laughing at his face. Tearing off the sleeve that covered his vibranium arm, he exhaled before jumping out of the plane, his yells slowly getting quieter and quieter. Poking my head out of the door, I caught sight of exactly what I wanted. Leaning back to where I could shout to the pilot, I secured my archery gear, making sure that I wouldn't lose any of my arrows. "Circle back around, try to get near the tree that's taller than all the rest."

"You're going to jump onto a tree?" Torres's eyebrows shot up, making me chuckle.

"Torres, this isn't the first time I've done something like this. I'll be fine." I lied, poking my head back out to watch the tree. Stepping back twice, I exhaled and counted to five before jumping. Sliding for a while before I managed to secure myself on a branch, I let out a relieved laugh. Looking down, I climbed down the tree as fast as I could, tapping on my watch as I landed on the ground at my final jump. Looking at the holographic map that popped up, I mapped out the quickest route to where Sam and Dad were.

"Where's Jackie?" Sam asked over comms, supposedly to Dad.

"Getting here." Dad stated confidently.

"Uh hello? I have a comm unit too." I deadpanned, setting myself at a pace that was between a sprint and a jog. "I'll be there in about two minutes."

"Do I want to know how you got down?" Sam asked.

"Probably not, but Torres will probably tell you anyway." I shrugged, freeing my arrows and bow while I ran. Showing up at the abandoned warehouse, I quickly found my way to where Sam and Dad were arguing, again. This time it ended with Dad walking away, creeping up on the men.

"He's a hardass." Sam informed me.

"Only to people he doesn't like." I shrugged. "He's quite the pushover for me."

Rolling his eyes, Sam decided to continue his route of teasing Dad. "Look at you, all stealthy. A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther."

"It's actually White Wolf." Dad corrected.

"Huh?" Sam raised a brow at the new information, looking to me for help.

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