Chapter 49: Christmas With Kate

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Jackie POV:

Clad in black leggings and one of Clint's t-shirts, my head was laying on his chest, completely relaxed and in pure bliss. One of his hands was holding mine while the other was wrapped around my body, holding me close. Times like this were the times we enjoyed the most. Just him and I, safe from the dark dark world that we lived in. But while back home we didn't have to worry about anyone interrupting us, Kate was becoming much like that one kid that just thrives on interrupting couple-time. So when the buzzer signaled that she was wanting to be let in, Clint groaned in annoyance.

"It's me. I come bearing pizza and holiday cheer. Let me in." Kate's voice could be heard over the intercom.

"Alright, seems like our rest period is over." I whispered to Clint, getting up and slipping on some socks, hoping to keep my feet from freezing. We had slept the day away, which wasn't uncommon when we were on missions.

"Hey!" Kate called as she entered the apartment, her arms filled with all things Christmas.

"Вечер!" (Evening!) I greeted back, taking the smoothie mix out of the blender and walking back into the living room.

"What?" Kate's eyebrows furrowed, confused.

"It's a Russian greeting. I haven't gotten any farther than that." Clint informed her, shooing the Goldie away from his cup of Cheese Its.

"Okay then." Kate shrugged, content with the little knowledge my husband had on the subject. "Alright, this is the classic Hawkeye costume we've been waitin' for." She took in the sight of Clint all taped up with various frozen food items from the freezer, as we didn't have the ice packs we usually used.

"What is all this?" Clint asked.

"This is me saving the holidays." Kate stated.

"Is that right?" One of Clint's eyebrows raised, amused.

"I'll get you home in time for the big day." Kate promised us. "Figured in the meantime, we could celebrate. It's movie marathon night, right? Check this out. I got movies."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Clint complimented. "Thanks." Kate beamed in response to his words, happy that her hero was complimenting her.

"But yeah, can we put a pause on that and talk about Sword Boy for a minute?" I asked, wanting to get the hard part done before we got too much into the holiday spirit. "You got good instincts, kid."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked, her eyes shifting between Clint and me.

"So, I did a little digging and turns out, Sloan's a shell company that launders money for the Tracksuits." Clint informed, remembering the information that Ed had gotten to us at about noon. "And Jack Duquesne is the CEO."

"You sure?" Kate asked, answered by our nods. "Okay, well, we're just gonna have to come up with a plan to take down my mom's fiancé's organized crime ring while simultaneously having a heartwarming holiday celebration." She tossed both of us a Christmas sweater. "Got any more of that slushy stuff?"

"In the kitchen." I jerked my thumb over my shoulder.

"Okay." Kate smiled, rushing past me to get herself some while I handed Clint a cup. Soon, she was making a plan about how all of this was going to go down while we enjoyed the pizza she had brought back, everyone dressed in an ugly Christmas sweater. "Okay, cops. We need to get the cops off my back. TSM, we need to get them to leave us alone. And we need to figure out why and how Jack is connected to it all."

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