Chapter 19: Tears

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Jackie POV:

I had begun showing last week and decided to go home, so here I was, sitting on the countertop at 3 in the morning because I had a craving for a strawberry shake. Now, this would be normal if I didn't want to make it with Heath crumbles as well. I was trying to be quiet while I fixed my shake, but every time I did something loudly it was followed by a string of Russian curses. Nat had called three days ago to see how I was doing and Clint told her about my strange craving that overtaken my usual logical mind. Of course, Clint was excited because for once in the time we knew each other, he could win an argument with me.

I was feeling horrible. On top of the morning sickness and weird craving at odd times, never in my life had I been so restricted. I couldn't reach half the things in my house, much less ride, exercise, and hike. Kion and Simba were quite upset with the fact that I couldn't play with them, and they let me know it too. Clint tried to bond with them, but they both would look at him like he was crazy when he tried to play with them as I would. The only thing they would do with him was to go hunting.

I turned and finished making my shake, only to spin around and punch whoever had crept up behind me. "Ohh." Clint groaned, holding the side of his face. "Remind me to never creep up behind you again."

"Oh my god!" I whisper-yelled, helping Clint up and making a ball of ice to put on his eye. "What were you thinking?" I asked, making him sit on the counter and let me hold the ball of ice to his eye.

"I was wondering why my wonderful, pregnant girlfriend who should be in bed was awake," Clint said, groaning some as I gently touched the bruise. "However, you had other plans. Everything alright babe?"

"Yeah, I'm fine love," I said, frowning slightly. "And I thought I told you to make your footsteps noticeable so this wouldn't happen?"

"Sorry, habit." He said. "Natasha called. They need my help with Wanda and Pietro at the compound. Will you be okay?"

I laughed. "Clint, baby, not that I don't appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself, even if I'm pregnant. Plus, Laura is here to help. And if I need you, I'll call you, I promise." I said, smiling. In the back of my head, I realized that suddenly I didn't want a shake anymore.

"Yeah, I have more than enough proof of you being able to take care of yourself," Clint said. "Now come back to bed, I want to cuddle before I have to leave in a couple of hours to arrive at the compound by 12:00."

"You have to leave at 7?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll be back before you know it." Clint murmured, pressing a kiss to my forehead. He quickly picked me up bridal style effortlessly and walked upstairs. He lay me in the bed and crawled into the covers with me, spooning me while burrowing his head into the crook of my neck. "I love you, Winter Jacklyn Barnes."

"I love you too, Clinton Francis Barton." I responded, smiling, and going back into a peaceful sleep fast, thinking about the baby that Clint and I were going to be bringing into the world in about 4 months. Little did I know that our family was going to cut short, very very soon.

*****(Ranchouse, 2 Weeks Later, around July 2014)****

Third Person POV:

Jackie laughed as Simba and Kion played tug-a-war with Lila and Cooper, both parties hoping to gain ownership of the leather strap Jackie had given them. Jackie took a currycomb and went to brush Silver when a series of gunshots rang out, two hitting Jackie in the abdomen, one in both legs, one grazing the side of her neck, and one grazing her forehead, blood soaking her shirt and pants as she stumbled. Faintly she could hear Cooper and Lila screaming her name and yelling for Laura. "Track." Jackie weakly ordered her cougars, both of them taking off into the woods to find the shooter.

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