Chapter 22: Waking Up

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I finally found a Ship Name for Clint and Jackie...Clinter!

Jackie's POV:

The first thing I saw was bright lights blinding me. When I felt needles in my arm and wrist, wires connected to my chest, and a tube down my throat, my instincts kicked in. Grabbing the tube, I started to rip it out, coughing to make it easier. That is, until two sets of hands stopped me. I started fighting but was only to thrash around. Once I caught sight of Nick and Steve, I relaxed, knowing that I wasn't in a lab at HYDRA, I was still safe.

"Hey, Jackie." Nick said, gently stroking my hair. "You scared us bad." I smiled the best I could with a tube down my throat. "Rogers went to go get Dr. Bakerson to come take this tube out." He informed me.

I waited patiently for about 5 minutes then a medium-height, chocolate-skinned, bald, dark-brown-eyed man came in. "Hello, Ms. Barnes. I'm Dr. Bakerson." Dr. Bakerson introduced himself. "I'm assuming that you already know what to do since you almost took the tube out by yourself, but cough, and I'll pull it out."

I nodded, not being able to talk. As I started coughing, Dr. Bakerson pulled the tube out and I took in a big gulp of air. Breathing out, I smiled. "Thanks Doc." I croaked, my throat sore from the tube and not being used.

"No problem." Dr. Bakerson said, turning to face the door as it opened. "Rose." He greeted, smiling at the motherly-looking nurse. Smiling once more at me, he exited.

"Good morning!" Rose said cheerfully to Nick and Steve. "Can you two please leave while I check Ms. Barnes's vitals and stitches?" The two men nodded, both smiling at me before leaving. "How do you feel honey?" Rose asked, checking the bandage on my abdomen.

"Like I got thrown off a bull." I croaked, accepting the glass of water she gave me. Taking little sips at a time, I let out another deep breath while leaning back. "How long was I out?"

"Tomorrow would've been five weeks." Rose said, writing down the vitals. "All of your bullet-wounds are healed with no complications. Your wound on your stomach is also healing faster than normal, which is to be expected with your enchantments."

"I lost tem." I stated, my throat clearer now that I had drunk some water. "Anything else wrong with me?"

"You had a complete hysterectomy." Rose finished, opening the door for Nick and Steve to come in. "She's stable, but make sure that you don't exhaust her."

"You scared us there Jackie." Steve stated, crossing his arms.

"Well, I didn't exactly plan on getting shot." I said sarcastically, drinking some more water. "Where's Clint?"

"At the house." Nick answered. "Romanoff knocked him out so he would leave you here and get some rest."

I nodded, chuckling at the image of Nat and Clint arguing. "Who else decided to come running?" I asked, knowing that a lot of people probably came.

"Hill, Coulson, Tony, Pepper, Sam, Rhodey, Pietro, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Jane, Darcy, Matt and Sami Dungun, and Tyler Magmus." Steve answered. "Matt, Sami, and Tyler went back to Houston after they found out that you were stable. Jane and Darcy had to go to an astrology convention in NYC, but everyone else is at the house."

"Wow." I said, massaging my temples. "That's a lot of people. How's Laura and the kids?"

"Everyone is fine." Nick stated, shutting down my barge of questions about everyone else. "You just focus on healing so you can get out of here soon."

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