Chapter 18: Trainee's

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Third Person POV:

"Who taught you how to drive?" Clint asks as Jackie drives the trio to a lifeboat, already almost killing them twice.

"Fury kinda did." Jackie supplies, taking another turn that made the car almost go off the edge.

"What was going on while he taught you?" Nat asks.

"We were running from aliens. Nick was shooting them so I had to drive." Jackie said, smiling as she jerked the wheel to the left again, making the car turn on only two wheels.

"Did he teach you to drive so recklessly?" Clint asked.

Jackie shrugged and slid to a stop at the lifeboat. "Hey, we got here safe and sound. No one got hurt." She remarked.

"Thank god for that." Clint mumbled. "We don't have much time."

"So get your ass on a boat. I want my niece safe and sound." Nat ordered, running off.

"Niece?" Clint asked, looking at Jackie for an explanation. She shrugged again. "It very well may be a boy. Who knows. There is a 50/50 chance." Jackie told her boyfriend.

Nat runs to go find the Hulk, finding him tearing apart a robot's head. He turns around from her, almost looking like he's pouting. "Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low." Nat said, holding out her hand. Meanwhile, Clint and Jackie get onto one of the lifeboats and Jackie leans on the side, thoroughly exhausted. Clint rubs her back and tries to relax but notices a woman calling out for her brother.

"Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" She exclaims. Clint looks at Jackie, who kisses him quickly and nods toward where they had both spotted the boy. He pecks her cheek and runs off to get the boy.

Tony cuts through the bottom of the core and looks at the mechanics. "Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church." Tony says.

"Is this the last of them?" Thor asks Cap, gesturing to the people in the lifeboats.

"Yeah. Everyone else is on the carrier." Steve said. "Including Jackie, Barton made sure of that. If she wasn't, there would be hell to pay from Fury if we let his daughter and grandchild get killed."

"You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away." Tony informed the team that was left on the rock.

"Maybe not." Thor answered. In the courtyard, as Natasha tries to calm Hulk down to get him back to being Banner Ultron flies in with a jet and starts shooting at them. Hulk stumbles back while Nat dove for cover. Hulk roars at the jet.

"I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone." Ultron sings. Ultron then shoots at Thor and Steve as they dive for cover and instead hits several bystanders. Clint saves the boy, Costel, and picks him up to take him back to the lifeboat. Ultron starts shooting at them, and Clint ducks to sacrifice his life to save the boy's as Jackie watches, growling as Pietro goes to take the bullets for Clint and the boy.

But instead of bullets, an explosion happens. Clint and Pietro look up and see that the machine gun has been blown up. Clint looks over at Jackie, who is smiling and still holding his bow in the position that she shot from, blowing the gun up before its bullets could hit either one of 'her boys'. Meanwhile, Hulk drops a wounded Nat off onto the Helicarrier and then jumps onto the jet Ultron is on.

"Oh, for God's sake!" Ultron exclaims. Hulk knocks Ultron out of the jet and he crashes inside a train; at the same time Barton delivers Costel safely to his mother onto the lifeboat, a man goes over to help him with his wound.

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