Chapter 28: Time Travel...Real or Not Real?

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Jackie POV:

Swirling my drink around, I straightened my ring and set the drink down before approaching my target. However, before I reached him, someone grabbed my arm and spun me onto the dance floor. "You know, you usually ask for permission." I quipped, smirking at the culprit.

"Even when they're cousins?" Ed retaliated with a smirk. "Besides, I'm Tony Stark. And about you're nails...I never thought you'd let them grow that long."

"They're actually Shadow's claws." I shrugged. "Mine are really short."

"Why am I not surprised?" Ed mumbled, deadpanning me.

"What do you want Ed?" I asked, ignoring his previous question and raising a brow.

"There might be a way to save everyone." Ed answered, knowing better than to skirt the issue. "It's with time travel, but it may just work."

"You can do the formulas yourself." I reasoned, waiting for him to bring me back from the twirl before continuing. "I don't see what or why you need me. I'm done being the lab rat."

"And Morgan wanted to see you." He added.

"Can't I finish this mission?" I complained, caving for her. She had found a weakness that worked on no one else: puppy dog eyes. Plus, she reminded me of a nicer version of Ed when he was a kid, so she was dear to my heart.

"Of what? Killing someone? Your boyfriend's doing enough of that." Ed deadpanned. I rolled my eyes at his remark, knowing that it was the truth. When I could, I looked into different cases that had traces of Clint. For the life of me, I couldn't catch him. It was driving me crazy, and Ed knew it. And Ed being Ed, mentioned it at least once every time we saw each other.

"Alright, let's go." I sighed, feigning exasperation. He smirked, knowing that I would cave eventually. Leading the way out of the building, he got into the high-tech vehicle of his. Hopping into the passenger seat, I clicked a button and the entire building blew up. Seeing his 'really?' face, I shrugged. "They were guilty of human trafficking and helping drug cartels."

"Why are you my cousin again?" Ed teased.

"Because your Aunt had very good taste." I retorted. "Dad was quite handsome in the 40s." Ed shook his head and chuckled, putting the car into shift while AC-DC blasted through the speakers.

*****(Stark Lakehouse)*****

"Thanks for fixing dinner again Pep." I smiled, getting up from the table. "Come on Маленький, let's get you into bed." (Little One) I told Morgan, holding her hand as we went up the stairs.

"Thank you, Jackie." Pepper sighed in relief while Tony smiled appreciatively. I always put Morgan to sleep faster than them, part of that being that I would sing her to sleep. I only had to sing the haunting lyrics once before she fell asleep, though they were in Russian and she couldn't understand Russian.

I went downstairs to find Ed staring at his holographic table. I came to stand beside him and started watching as he tried different things. An hour later, we were about to leave it. "Look at a mod inspiration, let me see what check out. So, recommend one last sim before we pack it in for the night. This time, in the shape of a Mobius strip, inverted, please." He said, moving the holograph around.

"Processing..." FRIDAY answered.

"Give me that eigenvalue. That, particle factoring, and a spectral decomp. That will take a second." Ed mumbled.

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