Chapter 16: Fights and Recruits and Droids

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Jackie POV:

Nat and I walked into the house to met with the sight of Nick in the kitchen with the rest of the team excluding Thor at the table. "Nick!" I cried, running to him and throwing my arms around him.

"Hey, Jackie." Nick said, chuckling and hugging me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Apparently Hill has sold us out." Ed said.

I went over to Clint and rolled my eyes. "Well, since your here, who's hungry?" I asked.

"I am!" Lila cried out, voicing her opinion while everyone else raised their hands.

I laughed and knelt to be at eye level with her. "How about you go get your brother?" She nodded and took off. "Ed, Steve, Clint, Nick, out of my kitchen," I ordered, glaring at all of them. They all complied except Clint, who just stayed out of my way, and I started cooking. The others went into the living room to chat and catch up. I had just put the meatloaf in the oven and stood up when Clint snaked his arms around my waist. I turned around, gave him a quick kiss, then went back to making mashed potatoes.

"Clint?" I asked.

"Hmm?" Clint hummed, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

Clint spun me around to face him. "What?!" He exclaimed.

"I'm pregnant." I said, also signing it to him in ASL.

"Really?" Clint asked, his eyes lightening up like a little kid who just found out that he got his dream toy for Christmas. "You not joking are you?" He asked.

"No, I'm not." I said, smiling and shaking my head.

He laughed and hugged me, picking me up and spinning me around. He put me down but kept a tight hold on me. "That's amazing!" He exclaimed, kissing me with enough passion that it made my knees go weak. "Who else knows?" Clint asked.

"Laura actually spotted the symptoms as soon as I got here and made me take a couple of tests. I told Nat when we went on our hike to get encouragement about telling you." I said, looking down sheepishly.

"Does that mean that I can tell the others?" Clint asked. I chuckled and smiled, "Yes любовь, you can tell them." Clint let go of me and ran into the living room. I shook my head while smiling and went back to making mashed potatoes.

Surprisingly, Ed was the first one that made it into the kitchen. He ran in, barely catching himself from slipping. "Your pregnant?!" He exclaimed, only to be knocked over by Steve and Bruce running in. I started laughing at the sight of them struggling on the floor. Nick walked in next, a very rare and wide grin on his face.

"Congratulations Jacklyn." Nick said.

"Thanks, Fury." I said. Lila and Cooper came in next, dodging the mess of men on the floor.

"Are you really having a baby?" Cooper asked.

"Yes, I am." I said.

"We don't have to leave do we?" Lila asked.

"Oh no honey, you don't have to leave. In fact, if it's a girl she'll sleep in your room." I said. Her eyes lit up and she squealed. Laura came in and took them both outside to play, but not before they all hugged me. The boys got too close to the counter that the cornbread was at so I decided to put an end to the commotion. "Oi! I thought I told yall to stay out of my kitchen!" I yelled, getting them to stop immediately and stand up. "Now, one at a time, Ed first since he got in here first."

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