Chapter 29: Planning

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Jackie POV:

        "Drifting left. On the side there, Lebowski." Ed called to Thor, who had changed the most out of all of us. I continued going down the list of supplies we needed, constantly correcting Ed's handwriting and/or spelling just for the hell of it. A week had gone by, and the whole week Clint and I had been avoiding each other. It was different than it was before Civil War, because this time, we both blamed ourselves, not just me. "Ratchet, How's it going?" Ed asked.

"It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal." Rocket called.

"Shut up and get to work." I teased.

"Who made you the taskmaster?" Rocket teased back.

"Fine, I'll just leave you guys to yourselves." I huffed, jumping off the seat and going into the room where Scott, Bruce (we had discussed it and decided to just call him Bruce), Nebula, and Rhodey were located. Scott was in a white and red suit that was similar to the Ant-Man suit.

"Time travel suit? Not bad." Rhodey complimented as we both entered the room.

"Hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!" Scott scolded as Bruce fiddled with a tube of Pym Particles.

"I'm being very careful." Bruce assured.

"No, you're being very Hulky." Scott corrected.

"I'm being careful." Bruce huffed.

"These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more." Scott exclaimed, missing his mentor and friend. "Unless Jackie here knows how to make them and hasn't shared with the class."

"I wish I did." I shrugged. "Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Just as I finished, Scott accidentally pressed a button and shrank, then grew back to his normal size. "One test run." I corrected.

"All right. I'm not ready for this." Scott sighed, looking to me for help. For some reason, everyone here thought that I had advice on how to deal with everything. And for some reason, I did have advice for everything. This was so me--having advice for everyone and taking that advice for myself.

"I'm game. I'll do it." I was just about the volunteer when the man I'd been avoiding broke me out of my thoughts.

"You sure?" I asked, cocking a brow. Clint looked surprised that I even stayed in the room, much less spoke to him. He nodded and I sighed with a nod, skirting past him and back into the big room where Ed and Rocket were. "Need any help?" I asked, kneeling to be at eye level with Rocket.

"Yeah, hand me that screwdriver." Rocket asked, pointing towards it. I picked it up and started to hand it to him when a familiar meow sounded.

"Goose?" I exclaimed, handing the screwdriver to Rocket before picking the orange tabby 'cat' up. "What are you doing here? I thought I left you at the lakehouse!"

"Hold on a second, you're friends with a Flerken?" Rocket exclaimed, coming out from underneath the time-traveling machine. "Do you even know what a Flerken is?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." I smirked, petting Goose as he purred. "I've seen Goose in action many times."

"And you still keep him around?" Rocket asked, his eyes wide in shock.

"He's harmless." I smiled, squeezing Goose. "I practically grew up with him, so deal with it." And I left.

*****(Hour Later)*****

The Lone Wolf (Clint Barton)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora