Chapter 12: At Long Last

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Jackie POV:

I woke up to hear Clint talking on the phone. I looked at the clock, which read 12:48 am. After the rodeo, we had decided that we should visit the ranch for a quick trip before throwing ourselves back into our work. Besides, I needed to drop Raven and Diablo off. I got out of bed and grabbed a shirt before padding my way into the kitchen where Clint looked upset. I came and wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my face into his neck, causing Clint to chuckle. "Who was that любовь?" I asked.

"Nat." Clint answered, turning so he could pull me into a one-armed hug.

"What did she want?"

"Thor is back. They have a location on where Loki's scepter is, we're going to be leaving within this week." Clint said.

I sighed. "I'll get ready. Want me to let Laura know?"

Clint nodded and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "What would I do without you?"

"Probably die." I remarked, pulling away before Clint could react.

"I'll get you for that!" He called up to me as I laughed, running up the stairs into our room. I quickly grabbed our combat gear and stuffing it into a duffle bag. I peeked into first Lila's bedroom then Cooper's to check on them before knocking on Laura's bedroom door. She opened it, yawning. "Hey, sorry for waking you up, but we have to leave." I said, smiling sadly.

"Oh. Thanks for telling me. Any idea when you'll get back this time?" Laura asked.

I shook my head. "No, sorry. Night."

She nodded her head in understanding and closed the door before I sighed. I loved Laura so much. Lila and Cooper were so adorable to have around the ranch. I know that my nicer and more sociable horses really enjoyed having someone here with them all the time. Cooper was begging for a dog and Lila wanted a horse her of own. Next time I came back I was planning on bringing a yellow lab puppy with me and Autumn, a mustang mare of mine, was having a foal in about a month that was going to be Lila's. I grabbed the duffle bag and walking downstairs, getting the keys that Clint had forgotten on the counter and was probably looking for them everywhere.

Walking outside, my assumptions were correct. Clint was currently looking underneath the truck for them. I chuckled and threw the bag in the bed before walking over to the driver's side, kneeling down to look at Clint on his belly. I dangled the keys in front of his face, smirking. "Looking for something Barton?" I asked, jerking them back when he tried to grab them. "Nuh-uh, I found them, I'm driving. Need any help getting out from under there?"

Clint rolled his eyes. "Why do you get to drive?"

I deadpanned. "I'm not dumb Clint. You haven't got hardly any sleep for the past three days. That is something we are going to fix on the way to the tower. You sleep, I drive. Now, do you need help getting up from there?"

Clint huffed and backed out from underneath the truck, climbing into the passenger side while I hopped into the driver seat. I started the truck and turned the radio on, tuning it to a country station, putting the volume on low. We weren't on the road for a couple of minutes before Clint had already gone to sleep, keeping a tight hold on my hand. After about 30 hours of driving, Clint pulled into the Tower's parking lot. I got out and stretched popping about every bone in my body.

"About time you two showed up." Tony said when we entered the living room.

"Sorry, but not everybody has a private jet or a suit that they can just jump into." I said sarcastically.

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