Profile Update: The Lone Wolf

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Name: Winter Jacklyn 'Jackie' Barnes
Code Name: Lone Wolf, Alpha, Elsa, and Phoenix

Age: 38 years old.
Birthday: January 30th, 1980
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Hair: Black
Hairstyle: Braid
Eyes: Brown

Family: James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes aka Winter Soldier (Father, Alive), Veronica (Mother, Dead), Ashton (Younger Sister, Dead), Lily (Younger Sister, Dead), Fury (Adoptive Father, Alive), Pietro Maximoff Barnes (Adoptive Son, Alive), Wanda Maximoff Barnes (Adoptive Daughter, Alive).

Love Interest: Clinton 'Clint' Francis Barton.
Crush/Boyfriend/Husband: Boyfriend.

Best Friends: Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, Pepper Potts, and Natasha 'Nat/Tasha' Romanoff aka Black Widow.

Friends: Agent Philip 'Phil' Coulson, Steven 'Steve' Grant Rogers aka Captain America, Dr. Bruce Banner aka Hulk, Sam Wilson aka Falcon, Vision, James Rupert 'Rhodey' Rhodes aka War Machine, Thor, Maria Hill, Anthony 'Tony' Edward Stark aka Iron Man, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, and Professor Erik Selvig.

Powers: Can turn into a wolf named Shadow. She can also control Fire and Ice but only on one side. When she gets really angry, sad, or overwhelmed, her powers combine into The right hand and eye resembled Skadi, the Norse giantess associated with winter, wolves, mountains, skiing, and archery. The left hand and eye resembled Verbt, the Celtic storm god who controls fire, water, and wind.
Weapons: Archery, 2 Glocks 26's, and Throwing Knives.
Martial Arts: Yes, Krav Maga (Look it up if you don't know what it is. It's really cool).

Quotes/Remembered Words:
"Mess with me, I'll let Karma get you, mess with my loved ones, I will become Karma...and kill you."
"No one left behind...that includes you, Barton."
"I'm a bloody human, not an animal."
"That's not a threat, it's a promise. And as you may have heard, I never break my promises."

Backstory/Extra: Due to her first nine years being spent with her father in HYDRA, Jackie has trust issues. She was 14 when she helped Fury and Carol Danvers. Carol was the first person other than Fury who wasn't scared of her, so the two of them were fast friends. When she was 17, Jackie became a Level 7 Agent, extremely impressive since she was so young. When Clint Barton joined SHIELD, Fury assigned Jackie to be Barton's Senior Officer (SO). Clint and Jackie always butted heads, yet they were hardly separated from each other.

Around Clint, Jackie turned from her usual cold self, becoming the person that Fury used to only see at home or when the two were alone. Being SHIELD's top agents, if any missions required two people, they always teamed up with each other, but they enjoyed doing solo missions better. When Jackie was 19 she had become a Level 8 Agent. Clint had progressed to become a Level 6 Agent at 21 years old. Jackie never missed a chance when they were alone to tease Clint about being younger than him but a better shot, fighter, and a higher level agent.

It's that year, 2000, that Clint was sent on a mission to take out the Black Widow. As the story goes, Natasha ended getting recruited with Jackie as her SO. Clint and Nat were transferred to the NYC HQ. After the move, they were more distant, until they stopped visiting and contacting Jackie. Because of this separation and ignorance, Jackie became cold and defensive. The agents of SHIELD were scared to even look in her direction in fear she would tear them apart, literately. It was only in 2012 that the Avengers got together and Jackie opened up again, forgiving Natasha and Clint surprisingly easily.

In 2014 Jackie finds out that her father is still alive and well, as well as you can be when in the clutches of HYDRA. Steve and Jackie also find out that her father is the legendary James Buchanan Barnes. It's when Natasha, Steve, and Jackie are considered fugitives they meet Sam as the Falcon. After the four reveal HYDRA hidden inside of SHIELD, SHIELD has to go underground. Jackie helps Coulson set an underground base for SHIELD, rebooting the secret government agency.

No matter what people outside of the team/family think, it takes a visit to the City of Love also in 2014 for Clint and Jackie to admit their feeling for each other and get together. Then 2015 rolls around, and Tony tries to save the world, only to end causing another problem: Ultron. It's here when Jackie loses courage and has to go back home to her ranch to recharge. After a failed fight against Ultron and a damaged city because of Hulk, they realize just how much they need Jackie to keep the team together.

Jackie finds out that she's pregnant, telling Nat first before Clint then the team. Her and Clint are so excited about having a child of their own to love and raise. When Pietro and Wanda join the Avengers, Clint and Jackie offer to adopt them. The twins accept, thankful for how fast Jackie and Clint trust them. Tony, of course, takes the opportunity to tease Clint until Jackie reminds him that she has two pet cougars. However, disaster strikes and Jackie is shot while grooming Silver.

The Lone Wolf (Clint Barton)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora