Chapter 40: Wounds Heal; But Hurt Is Permanent

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Jackie POV:

"Oh come on!" Clint groaned, having lost yet another hand-to-hand fight. We had been sparring since early this morning, something we did pretty regularly. It helped keep us in shape, as much as he hated to admit it. Besides, I wasn't able to spar with ghost Natasha, which meant that while I had conjured her up from the land of the dead, she was eventually booted back due to her jeering. Sometimes I really wished that I could just punch her in the face.

"Любовь, we all know that I'm the better hand-to-hand combatant." I chuckled, offering him a hand to help pull him up. "Another round?"

"No, I'm too sore from being your personal punching bag." Clint groaned.

"You're getting weak in your old age, old man." I teased.

"I'm only 2 years older than you!" Clint protested. The argument continued for a while, interrupted by my phone ringing. Knowing what the call was, he pouted. "Ignore it."

"I promised them that I'd help." I reminded, pressing a kiss to his cheek before grabbing the still ringing phone. "Sam?"

"Yeah." Sam confirmed. "Look, we're back in the mainland. I'll send you our coordinates."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I informed as I received the text. Hanging up, I put the phone back in my jacket pocket and smiled sadly at Clint. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Clint reassured. "You need to go save the world again. I'm just glad that this time I know you're not running from your emotions." Oh yeah, we already had that talk about me running away from my emotional problems and wanting to just bar them from existence. It was something that was leftover from my time with Hydra, while my time with SHIELD just amplified it. Given, Clint had the same problem from his life, but mine was worse. We eventually agreed to talk whenever there was a problem, no matter how stupid and/or small it seemed. Communication at its finest.

"Love you." I wrapped my arm around his neck, kissing his jaw.

"Love you too." He hugged me, moaning slightly at the sensation. "Stop, or else you won't be leaving in time."

"Okay." I shrugged, backing away with a slight smirk. Grabbing one of the towels that we'd brought to the field, I dried off the layer of sweat on my body. "I'm going to take a shower and head back out. See you later."

"Yup." Clint nodded with a smile, getting his bow and quiver out.

*****(Two Hours Later--Latvia)*****

Arriving at the airport, I quickly found the place that Sam had texted me the location of, glancing around the area before entering. The last thing I wanted was to have to deal with even more fighting on top of the major fight we had on our hands right now. Especially since Karli had decided to bomb the GRC depot. Trotting up the stairs, I interrupted a discussion about a 'TT' as I opened the door. "Зима?" (Winter?) Dad's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at my appearance. "Что ты здесь делаешь?" (What are you doing here?)

"Сэм написал мне, где вы были." (Sam texted me, told me where y'all were at.) I answered. "Я подумал, что тебе понадобится вся возможная помощь, так что я здесь." (I figured that you'd need all the help you could get, so here I am.)

"Возвращайся домой." (Go back home.) Dad ordered.

"Нет." (No.) I smiled sarcastically. "Now who's this TT?"

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