Chapter 1

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I felt the plane slow down, it meant we got home. We had quite a few problems with turbulence, so our plane was two hours late. So instead of eight-thirty, it's almost eleven o'clock now.

Kate had just fallen asleep peacefully, but now I have to wake her. Hey, I patted her lightly on the shoulder. Only 5 more minutes, she murmured, sleepily. We came home, love, we have to get off the plane, I said in a gentle voice.
She woke up a little, I took our things and we got off the plane. Luckily for us, a taxi stood in front of the airport and waited if anyone needed transportation. We got in a taxi, I gave the address and we headed home. Kate was asleep again, exhausted from the flight. Is this the right address? The young driver asked uncertainly. Yes, young man, thank you, I answered and paid him. I woke Kate up again and took our things out of the cab hood. Rick, she murmured and leaned her body against me. Can we take the elevator? , I am very tired. We always go — her eyes closed on their own, this flight and pregnancy must have been exhausting for her. Jose! I called our doorman. Yes sir, a young man of Argentine accent asked. Please take these things and take them to the loft, I said and handed him our luggage.  I lifted Kate into my arms, she wrapped her arms lightly around my neck. Our next stop is bedroom, ma'am. I whispered softly and headed for the apartment.

I carefully laid Kate on the bed, took off her shoes and helped her change into her pajamas. Sweet dreams, my love, I kissed her forehead and covered her with a blanket to keep her warm. I went to unpack our things, put the dirty ones to wash, and put what was clean washed back in the closet. When I was done, I pulled on my pajamas. I crawled into bed, Kate already asleep peacefully. I  grabbed her gently from behind and wrapped my arms around her, I knew she loved it and felt so safe.


Next morning

I was awakened by the sound of water coming from the bathroom.
I had just gotten up when Kate came out of the bathroom in her white robe, freshly showered. Oh, great, you're awake, she said and gave me a quick kiss. I knew she was in a hurry because she didn’t want us to be late for the first checkup. In a few minutes she was tidy, wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt. I had a jeans and a blue shirt, I took the jacket under my arm because it wasn’t that cold. It was spring in New York anyway and that means pretty warm weather. Ready? I asked, waiting for her hand to grab mine. Never more ready! she said and cheerfully grabbed my left hand, with her right.

At doctor's


We sat in the waiting room and waited for the nurse to call us, I was so nervous, excited and happy at the same time. My emotions were mixed.
Mrs. Castle, Mr. Castle, come after me, a middle-aged nurse, in a pleasant voice, invited us. I got up and went after the nurse, but then I noticed that Rick remained sitting. Rick? I called him. He raised his head slightly and said quietly Maybe I better stay here, not push myself there, maybe you want privacy. Rick, I turned to him and asked the nurse to wait.
I knew why he was like that. He always said that Meridath didn't want him around when she was pregnant. She didn't want him to go to checkups with her, or anything.
Hey, I took his hand. Rick, I want you to come in with me, I want you to hold my hand and be with me and the baby every step of the way.
You do? he said and his face lit up. Yes, Rick, I want , I'm not like her. Come on, I took his hand.


Hello, Kate, Rick, Dr. Rodriguez greeted us. After I explained all the symptoms and everything that happened to me. Ms. Castle in my expert opinion I would say you are pregnant, but we will do a blood test to confirm. She took my blood and said the findings would be ready soon. She left the room to take blood samples to the lab.
As I thought, she said with a smile when she returned to the room. Congratulations, Mrs. Castle, you are pregnant! We will do an ultrasound to see how long you have been pregnant, she said and took the probe and applied the gel to my belly. Rick held my hand the whole time.
It's here, said Dr. Rodriguez and turned the ultrasound towards us. We saw one point moving incessantly. This is our Thumper. Rick whispered and kissed my head. According to the ultrasound I would say that you are pregnant for 8 weeks, unfortunately we still can't hear the heartbeat because it hasn't completely formed, but can I give you a sonogram? She asked.
We both nodded. How many copies? She smiled. Two, Rick replied. All right, I'll be right back.
I'm so happy Kate, I'm so happy! I just want to be with you and our Thumper the whole time. When Meridath wouldn't let me with Alexis it killed me, tears ran down his cheeks. Come here, I reached out and hugged him. Remember what I'm going to tell you I want you to always be with me, with us.
I love you, he said and kissed my lips. I love you too, I returned the kiss.

You two will be wonderful parents, we heard the voice of Dr. Rodriguez. We both smiled a little shyly and sweetly. Here are the sonograms, she said and handed us the envelope.
I have ordered you for the next appointment, so see you soon, said Dr. Rodriguez with a smile. Thank you! See you soon, Rick and I happily responded.

On the way home Rick was eager to see the sonograms. Hey, how about we call Alexis, Max, your dad and my mom tonight and share the good news with them? He suggested excitedly. It’s a great idea, I like it, I’ll call my dad when we get home, and you make arrangements with Martha, Alexis and Max. We continued driving towards the loft and Rick placed his left hand on my stomach.

Okay guys! This is the first chapter of this book! Hope you like it💗!


1st ultrasound of Caskett baby(aka Thumper)

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1st ultrasound of Caskett baby(aka Thumper)

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