Chapter 13

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*16 weeks pregnant*


This is going to be such a relaxed afternoon, I thought as I lay on the couch and read of course whose but Rick's book. Heat wave, one of my favorites, his first. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon and I hadn't received a single call from the precinct yet. I opened the book, and I don't know for how many times I started reading it again, but it delights me anew every time. That dedication "For the extraordinary KB and all my friends at the 12th precinct " no matter I've read it 1000 times already, it gets me every time.

Hey, what are you doing? Rick asked cheerfully as he came out of the office. I read, I replied with a smile. When he noticed that I was reading his book, you could see in his eyes how happy and proud he was.
You know, you don't have to read only my books, you can read someone else's, he said and sat down next to me on the couch.
But this is exactly what I like, I replied with a smile. I really like the way this writer writes, I said pretending not to know that Rick wrote it. Every word has a special meaning, surely he just didn't invent this, surely in life he must have someone like Nikki Heat, I continued with the game I started.

Oh, trust me there's someone even better, someone he couldn't even dream of having, he joined the game.

Um, I wonder who that is? I said, a thoughtful expression on my face.

I can try to describe it to you, he said. She ... She never gives up, she's the best at her job, she always puts herself at the front line, protects and cares about people, she's just the best at her job, and she has that one writer who follows her around, who is fascinated by her mind, her strength, not to mention her beauty, she has beautiful lush hair, green-brown eyes in which that writer gets lost every time, cheeks, the sweetest in the world and a smile that illuminates even the darkest parts of the world, and only her lips, not to mention her lips, Rick approached and just gently laid his lips on mine but not in the kiss. And then after a long time this spectacular and extraordinary woman finally decided to give a chance to that somewhat annoying and childish writer and made him the happiest man ever. Later, when the writer realized that she is the only woman he want to spend the rest of his life with, he asked her father if he could marry his princess and make her his queen... And so after marrying their great love crowned with a new member that arrives soon. That writer discovered what it means to have love, because he wakes up every morning with the love of his life and is immensely happy and loves his wife endlessly and forever. He finished with a smile.

And then, that woman realized that writer is the best thing that ever happened to her in her life, I finished.

I love our story, I smiled. Me too, he said and pulled me into his arms.

I'm going to finish another chapter, so I'll bring it to you to read and see what it's like. He said and headed for the office. Really, you're going to let me judge if it's okay? I laughed. And who else, if you say it's not good, I throw everything in the trash and start over, he announced with a smile. Rick ... I called him. I love you, I said gently. I love you too, he replied.

Just as I was returning to reading the book with a smile, my cell phone rang, ah nothing of a free afternoon I thought when I saw the "precinct" written on my cell phone screen. Rick, we need to get to the precinct , I called him as I picked up my coat after I hung up with Ryan.


Hey, Beckett, Castle, Ryan greeted us when we arrived. Or we should say Castle, Castle, they said in sync, laughing and making one of those handshakes of theirs.

Ah, you two, I sighed, then what is so urgent? I asked. Don't look at us, they shrugged, the captain's order.

Oh, great Beckett, there you are! I heard the captain's voice. My office, please!

At the office

We have one suspect and ... She started, I looked at the boys. My sister is also working on this case, our interrogation depends on her success, if we don't squeeze it well enough, the whole case will get complicated. Detectives Ryan and Esposito are great, I just need someone I trust, and you're the best detective I have, she finished. I know you can break anyone.

Of course sir, whatever it takes, the safety and protection of the people is our number one priority. I signed up for it, the day I picked up this badge, and I don't regret it, I enjoy doing my job, I said with a smile.

Thank you, Detective Beckett! Just watch out, be careful, she pointed at my belly, I know it's just an interrogation, but still ... You know Mr. Castle will already be protesting because you're going to the interrogation room with the suspects, alone.

Everything will be fine, and for Castle, don't worry, I'll take care of him, I said, with a smile and left the office.


There's no way I'm letting you in alone, I'm going with you. Rick protested.

I need to go alone, Rick the whole case depends on this, everything will be okay, it's just one interrogation.

No, he continued to protest. Rick! I called him, but he still didn't stop. Castle! He winced immediately when he heard that.
He knew there was no point arguing when I called him by his last name. Okay, he gave up, but I'll be behind the glass, and if you ... Don't worry, 007, I'll call if I need you, I interrupted him and tossed him before I entered the interrogation room.


We managed to get the information we needed, the interrogation was over and I walked towards the exit of the interrogation room. Okay, done - Rick ran over and hugged me tight. Hey, everything is okay, just one interrogation, nothing terrible, I said, but he still hasn't let go of me, I have to admit he's very cute when he cares like that. Nothing terrible ?? He said when we separated, you're kidding me, have you seen that guy ?? Tattoos, a goatee, a leather jacket, that hair, he started. Are you scared of that? I asked him through a laugh. Me, scared? HA, double HA, he said confidently.

Okay then Mr. Fearless, I teased him, I'm done, let's go home? , it's already late, I asked.


We had dinner and went to bed, but Rick got up in a few minutes.
Just wait here, he said. In a few minutes he returned with the papers in his hands. Since you didn't get to read the new chapter, now I'm going to read it to you and our Thumper, he said with a smile, settled down next to me and began to read slowly, directing his head toward my stomach.

Hope you like this one!


Part 14 soon💛!

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