Chapter 6

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*10 weeks pregnant*

Kate and Rick returned to New York a few days ago because their vacation was over and it was time to get back to work, Kate to the precinct , and Rick with her, while writing Nikki Heat along the way.

Come on, sleepy head, getting up, or we'll be late the first day after vacation, and you certainly won't be the one to have to apologize to Captain Gates. Kate woke Rick. Umhm, here I am, here I am, he muttered in a hoarse voice.

Kate was already finishing breakfast when Rick came to the kitchen in his pajamas. Wow, that's your new outfit for the station? Kate teased him. No, I just don't know what to wear, he replied thoughtfully. Please Rick, you're not going to a fashion show but to the precinct , Kate laughed and rolled her eyes. She got up and went to the bedroom, Here, she handed him a red shirt and black pants when she came back from the room. Um, he commented. What? Kate asked. Do you think that will be okay? , look how beautiful you are always. Of course it will be, and after all, when did you start to pay so much attention to how you dress? Who are you dressing for like that, maybe Gates? Kate joked with him.

Because you've already amazed me, you know that, Kate told him as she kissed him gently on the cheek. Unless you ask me, you could come shirtlessness sometimes ,I wouldn't complain at all, she said and winked.

Kate! He warned her through a smile. Pregnancy really changed you, I like that, you would never say such a thing to me about the precinct before. The pregnancy just made me love my handsome husband even more and enjoy every moment with him, she added, happily.

After a few exchanged kisses and after Rick finally decided what to wear, and that was of course what Kate suggested, Rick always happily accepted her every suggestion.
They locked the apartment door and headed for the car and then toward the precinct.

At the precinct

Hey Castles, Hispanic and the Irish detective greeted them cheerfully as they entered the precinct. Sito, Ryan! Castle replied cheerfully.

Hey guys! Beckett greeted her colleagues. Then, how was on vacation, the two asked curiously
Really? Beckett rolled her eyes, laughed, and headed for her desk. We didn't mean to ask for details, you know just... the guys tried to correct themselves. But they quickly saw that they would get nothing out of Beckett, so they turned to Castle. They looked at him. Um, hey ... Castle tried awkwardly to get out. But Ryan and Espo didn't budge, they had that detective look.
All right, come on, guys, Castle gave up and hugged the two detectives and headed for the break room. Castle! Kate called to him. Keep some details to yourself! She warned him.

Woah! Really? Nice one !, Kate heard male voices from the break room. How about you guys start doing something, she asked the two detectives as she entered the break room. But we have nothing, we can still ... They started to justify themselves. Lanie told me she had something for you, Beckett interrupted them, so let's go. They got up a little sullenly and headed for the morgue. Ah guys when you have to, Castle tossed through a smile. And no, no, don't laugh because you're going to get the assignment, too, Beckett gave him a look.

Did you start bossing around? You know I love it when you boss around, Castle said with a big smile and drew her closer to him. Aha, Castle, work! Beckett warned him. And what you were saying this morning ... he started confused. That was this morning, she winked.

Okay, he said like an offended child, when someone takes his toy.

Mr. Castle! My office now, he heard the captain's voice.


I didn't think I'd ever say this, but Mr. Castle, you're going undercover with Detectives Ryan and Esposito. Gates stated. Me?? Really?? He asked excitedly like a small child. Yes, we're raiding a few dealers in a French restaurant and we need someone who can speak French fluently, Beckett is too risky to send because of pregnancy, and Detectives Ryan and Esposito don't speak fluent French, so it's just you.

It would be my pleasure, Captain Gates. The three of you are leaving in an hour. Repeat a little French just in case, she tossed as Castle exited the office and walked in the direction Ryan and Esposito were already waiting for him.


Okay, you're ready, you have bulletproof vests, Ryan and Esposito are armed, you know the plan, you can go, good luck! Captain Gates said.

Rick! Kate called out to him, take care! She said with a worried look on her face.

He came up to her, hugged her tightly and looked into her eyes

Ne t'inquiète pas, mon amour, tu sais que je reviendrai toujours à toi et à notre Thumper. He said gently in French, I love you, he added before turning and heading for the elevator. I love you too, Kate retaliated.


An hour passed, two hours, they still hadn't returned, Kate was already very worried, and just as she was about to go to Captain Gates's office, the elevator door opened and she saw Ryan and Espo holding handcuffed suspects.
She ran up to them and wanted to hug Rick, but stopped when she noticed that his T-shirt and bulletproof vest was spilled with some kind of paint and that everything was dripping from him. She gave him a confused look. Don’t ask, our suspect knocked down a bucket of paint as he ran away from Ryan and Espo and of course the paint spilled straight onto me, he finished the story. Great job, gentlemens, we have a major dealer, Gates remarked, but Mr. Castle like that as the paint drips from you, you don't enter my precinct , she warned him. If you want to be here, take off those dirty clothes  and go to the break room, Officer Kinford will bring you some replacement clothes.


Rick was standing in the break room waiting for clean clothes to be brought to him when Kate came in.
What I was talking about this morning seems to have come true, she remarked with a big smile as she watched Rick shirtless. You know Officer Kinford will take a long time to find that clean T-shirt, and we're here alone, she remarked, coming closer to Rick and moving to his lips.

Ah, I'm sorry, he stopped her, but Detective Beckett, we're still at work, we should act professionally, he said in a serious tone.
Kate just smiled because she knew he was giving her back for what was this morning.

Hope you like it💗!


🇨🇵: Ne t'inquiète pas, mon amour, tu sais que je reviendrai toujours à toi et à notre Thumper.

🇬🇧:Don't worry, my love, you know I'll always come back to you and our Thumper.

Just in case someone doesn't know what that means in French😊

Part 7 soon💚!

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